Being ill


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2011
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Hi ladies. This is my first post on here since I had my baby girl! Just wondering if anyone had any tips on how to keep awake/alive when your ill and breastfeeding. I've got a rotten cold and have zero energy. I'm trying to rest when she does but we all know with a newborn thats never easy anyway! Any advice would be much appreciated :)
have a skin to skin duvet day, get drinks n snacks and movies and then dont move unless its to pee or change lo! should be nice and restful. co sleep for nps and feed lying down, as long as lo isnt under the duvet it should be fine.
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When I feed lying down I cover my legs in my duvet and my top half and Henry in one of his cot blankets so it's big and we both stay warm without him overheating xxx

Hope u feel better soon xxxxx
have a skin to skin duvet day, get drinks n snacks and movies and then dont move unless its to pee or change lo! should be nice and restful. co sleep for nps and feed lying down, as long as lo isnt under the duvet it should be fine.

^^^WSS. I has a migraine just after DH went back to work, and we basically spent the day in bed!

I second bev and Lorna! Don't be afraid to get Dh to look after LO so you can grab some shut eye and to wake you if he needs feeding. Hope you feel better soon hon x
When I feed lying down I cover my legs in my duvet and my top half and Henry in one of his cot blankets so it's big and we both stay warm without him overheating xxx

Hope u feel better soon xxxxx

What a good idea!

I second bev and Lorna! Don't be afraid to get Dh to look after LO so you can grab some shut eye and to wake you if he needs feeding. Hope you feel better soon hon x

That too - or do u have someone who could come round and be in the house. DH gave me a right lecture about not asking his mum to help when I had migraine. The next morning FIL took G for a week walk so I could sleep without listening for her - it was really early but I felt soooo much better for it. Xxx

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