Being constantly thirsty = diabetes? plus pain!


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2008
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Well for the past couple of weeks or so i have been constantly thirsty - as soon as i have a drink, im thirsty again! if i dont have a drink in so long, i get headache as if - this is going to sound really funny now! - there is nothing in my head, if you know what i mean? like its dry and i need a drink!

I told my mum about this other day and she said it may be that i am diabetic - which would have been picked up in my wee sample at M/Ws last week, if i hadnt forgotton to take one :roll:

Is anyone else constantly thirsty and has/has not been told their diabetic??

also, (not very "up" on the human body! :lol: ) i have been getting a pain 'down there' but its in my leg, is it called groin? :think: its really painful and im getting it quite a bit now, since this weekend, any ideas what it could be???
Hi hun, I'm constantly thirsty too all through pregnancy and especially at night. Think it's quite normal as all my urine samples have been fine (touch wood). Not sure what the pain in your leg could be, perhaps LO is sitting on a nerve?

S x
The pain could be sciatica(sp?!), SPD, baby laying on a nerve? Hmmm... Whatever it is I hope it goes! :pray: It's not nice being in pain :(

The thirst thing... Could you make a doc appt and ask them to check your urine?! I thought it was bloods that diabetes was picked up in (so I'm not hot on the human body either lol :oops: :lol: ) Anyway, yeah, I'd probably ring your MW & say you might book a doc appt. She'll probably tell you it's normal, but yeah, it's worth checking you over anyway.

:hug: x
I went through a stage of this about a month ago and when i saw my MW asked her if any of the checks she does ie. urine would show up if i was diabetic and she said they only test you for diabeties(sp!) if there is cause for concern so i assumed my wee wouldnt show anything, even so as i have lots of history of diabetes in my family she decided to do some tests (blood) and i was fine but might be worth asking your MW about it when you seen her next. I had to drink some horrid syrup an hour before taking the blood and be warned it is the most horrid tasting thing in the whole world :puke:
its usually picked up through your random gloucose blood tests and wee, so i wouldnt worry. I had high random gloucose and had three GTT tests during pregnanycy but they always came back normal.

I used to drink tonnes too, dont worry your body stores a lot of water in the last tri, so if you put on weight around your weight/face its just water retention and goes within a week of giving birth
I've been really thirsty all the time throughout the whole of my pregnancy but like the others said its probably best you get it checked out to put your mind at rest.
As for the pain, no idea what it could be (sorry thats not very helpful!), probably one of those unexplainable pregnancy things!! Hope you feel better soon :hug: :hug:
Hi Leanne, i get a pain in my right groin area too. I am putting it down to baby laying on a nerve, I had it in my last pregnancy too. You just feel like you want to shake your leg a lot to get it moving again!! The joys of preg :D

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