Before Your Contractions Became Regular...?


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2007
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I have for the past few days had on and off period type pains (really similar to when I was about to come on) which are in my back and lower stomach. I am not saying that they are contractions, but I wondered if any of you had something similar before your true timeable contractions started? I am again feeling so 'heavy' in my lower stomach and it feels like I may get the pain again soon :think:
yeah mine started regular about 11pm but all day had that feeling and felt all crappy and just moped about house all day sulking :rotfl: it was just like AF was on her way
oh yes, i had that. 48 hours before i gave birth i was feeling period-type pains that had "peaks" to them, and i spoke to my mum and she convinced me i was in labour lol! they worsened a bit at nite and being inexperienced i ended up calling the MWs to my house coz i thought they were contractions! i was told they were "effacing pains"??

anyway they subsided a little bit the next day, but then came back in the evening and at some point overnite they became proper contractions.

oh yes and like paradysso i felt sulky the day b4 i gave birth! think it was frustration coz of the false alarm. and i felt the heavy feeling too! good luck :hug:
Thanks girls...oooh this has now got me thinking :think: :D
Yeah mine started off as period type pains, and within hours became regular then would dip off to iregular, it can be so unoredicatable. you cant say your in establisjhed labour until they have been regular for hours and are stong and painful.

When you can no longe talk through them, get to hospital 8)
My contractions were just that - period pains and lower back pain although I couldn't speak during contractions :lol:
yes, I had alot of period type pains before real labour began. As mentioned above, they were effacing pains! I actually found mine alot harder to cope with than actual contractions. I couldn't sleep or anything through mine... they were agony!! I know that sounds like I was a wuss, but once I got to 5cm I was fine and just huffed and puffed my way through the rest.
I think all the different stages effect each woman differently!

Good luck xxx
Yes! I had lots of niggley period pains.

Have a bath and see if you can notice any sort of pattern to the pain or any peaks of pain then periods of no pain that would indicate contractions. The thing with contractions is that although they get very painful once labour is established when they first start they are usually nothing more than mild achey period pains. Its so hard to pin point exactly when labour starts because the period pains can go on for a long time before anything major happens. Thats why there are 3 stages for labour, part of the first stage being the boring 'am I aren't I' stage :roll: You just need regular moderate contractions, a show or waters to break and then you now you are on your way.

Yeah, I had those on and off for a week or two before I actually went into labour.......I kept my fingers crossed everytime I got them, when I actually went into labour though I hadn't had the pains for about 24hours :roll:

I asked MW about them, and she said it was baby moving further down - always good to know they at least know the way out :rotfl:

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