beepin friggin beepin doctor


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2006
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wont give me nothing for my migraines,ive still got one from saturday and its starting to errupt again.bp is fine and the midwife did say what i can take but the doctor is refusing to give it me,saying i can have something else but it is at my own risk,so then i started crying in front of doctor saying well obviously if its going to harm baby im not oing to take it,had enough feeling like this,its not fair on dh as im going to have to goto bed as soon as he gets back said all i can take is paracetamol when ive already explained that it wont touch me :x
awww hun, Its horrible when the doctor doesn't listen to you. I hope you feel better soon xx :hug: xx
Awwwwww I do feel for you. My sister in law decided not to take anything for her migraines when she was pregnant due to the risk to the feotus, but it must be awful with all that pain and sickness! Sorry your dr is not listening to your mw's advice.
Aw Babes :hug: i am sorry your feeling so low.. Friggin GP they think they are god at times.... Can't you talk to your MW again? ask her to help communicate with the GP? maybe she can explain from a medical point of view? i don't mean you can't i just mean that some doctors see people in Early pregnancy and automatically make assumtions (sp) thinking your just over emotional, and that pregnancy is not an illness... sometimes we need to fight harder to make ourselves be heard.... Don't let this exsaust you lou... try to get the rest you need and please do ask the MW for help... Your DH will help you too... Take care doll.. chin up :hug: Luv Yvonne xx
my stepmums a nurse and shes just looked through the bnf and i can take co-dydramol occasionally so shes found her last 2 and gave me them,hopefully it will be all i need just to knock it down again. thanks all for your support
hmmmm, pain and going to bed too much won't do baby much good either! I'm sure a little medication won't do much harm will it? Don't know. I feel for you. Maybe there are other things you can do to relieve headaches without medication???
Paracetomol and codeine should be OK as long as you take care not to get constipated, and you can get it over the counter.. it helps most of the time when I get a migraine, not sure whether it helps you or not but it's worth knowing.
my gp gave me codeine for diaohrea (bad spelling) told me just to take it if really need it as im in the first tri havent touched it yet but maybe this could help ?
thanks girlies,its one now after i tok the codydramol yesterday,think it was what i needed to kick it in the teeth :D

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