Been told off by HV!


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2005
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Just taken Nathan to get weighed and was talking to the HV about Nathans diet. She asked how much milk he was on so I said he has 3 9oz bottles. She looked horrified and said why are you giving a child of his age 9oz bottles. Well cos he drinks them all and crys for more! She said I should cut ot his afternoon bottle and give him water and a snack instead. I thought I was doing ok with his feeding and its really knocked my confedence now :( Hes 8 months tomorrow and weighs 22lb 6oz, I did't think 3 bottles was that much for him to have. What do other babies have a this age?
Oh hun, don't fret about it
Jack was still on 3 bottles at 7 months I am sure he was
You do what you feel is right, he will knock the middle bottle off on his own accord
Even though Jack is soon 2 he has a cup of milk on a morning and a cup at night( cows milk)
In my experiance all HV contradict each other of find something to get at you for
Go with what you think! If he wants the milk and he's having 3 meals a day then what is the problem? Some HVs really annoy me, don't let them make you feel bad.
The link below is from the babycentre website and it says in between 6 months and a year your baby should be having about 20oz a day of formula and anything from 6-8oz per feed. Nathan is having a bit more than that but not much. Maybe keep giving him 3 bottles but cut them down to 7-8oz each or try still giving him all three but cut the middle bottle down to 4oz and leave the morning and evening ones at 9oz. Jake has only just dropped a bottle now so that he is on 2 a day and he is 10 1/2 months so I wouldn't worry too much if Nathan won't decrease his feeds.
my HV really good and told me that all they are there for is to give us advice on NHS guidelines for things but we are baby's mum and we know them best and to do what feels right :hug:
Thanks girls :D I think I will maybe try to cut his afternoon bottle down to 4 or 5oz. I'm just not comfortable with having him on only 2 bottles a day. Hes only a baba!

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