Been to the doctors!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2010
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Went to the doctors today, who felt palpitated my uterus and thinks I'm around 12 weeks!!!

Kinda shocked that I'm that far on without realising... Still don't get to see a Midwife til 16th February tho... :(
Only when I finally see the midwife, which will mean I'll be 15 weeks by then, so if i have to wait another 2 weeks or so for a scan I'll be about 17 weeks when I finally get one!!!
i got my first scan at 18 weeks although it was late the quality of it was well worth it!! :D xxx
Shame they can't get you in any sooner but all the best when it does happen.:dance:
I'd personally try callingt he midwife and see if they can re-book you in for an earlier time x
I might try that, phone and just say that I'm feeling really rubbish and see if they can see me sooner. :)

Cos I don't think I can get to 17 weeks without telling people cos i'm getting a huge bump!!
lol i was gonna say dont jinx yourself but thats prob what i would do lol esp as you know they will see you!! :D lol go for it x x x
wow!! great way to skip most of 1st tri :yay:
Oh wow! Hope you manage to get an earlier scan! :D
:yay: That would be amazing, I'd try and look about a private scan :D
I'd defo try and see the MW sooner hun, coz there are blood tests and things you need and of course the scan :) xx
My friend is 12 weeks too and still hasn't even got a date to see the midwife yet. Its like they've stopped caring about us cos we've done it all before or something.

:( boo.

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