Been to see the midwife

Kelly G

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2005
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Was a bit of a waste of time really, was only in there 5 mins while she took my blood pressure, asked about previous pregnancies and births and gave me my EDD

She didn't book me in as they dont book in untill 10 weeks so got to go back on the 17th to get booked in and have bloods done and she will ring through for my scan date :cheer:

She has given me the 18th of May as my due date so it was moved forward a bit (i thought the 24th) but i supose that will change again when i have my dating scan.

She also said to make an appointment with the doctor about the sickness.
sounds exactly like my 1st mw visit, was expecting blood tests or something but nope!
I had my booking appointment at 8wks but got to go back at 16wks for blood tests etc
ShineyHappyPeople said:
sounds exactly like my 1st mw visit, was expecting blood tests or something but nope!

yea i was too, when i rang the receptionist to fing ot the PG results last fri she said come today for ur booking in.

was excited about getting my scan date. oh well i shouldnt have long to wait when i finally do get it
Kelly G said:
ShineyHappyPeople said:
sounds exactly like my 1st mw visit, was expecting blood tests or something but nope!

yea i was too, when i rang the receptionist to fing ot the PG results last fri she said come today for ur booking in.

was excited about getting my scan date. oh well i shouldnt have long to wait when i finally do get it

I know im the same, anxiously checking the post everyday!
hhmmmm im 9 weeks on monday and havent seen the midwife yet. ah well.. not bothered really. got an appointment on the 13th oct

let us know how you get on at the docs kelly xx
Mummy Rich said:
hhmmmm im 9 weeks on monday and havent seen the midwife yet. ah well.. not bothered really. got an appointment on the 13th oct

let us know how you get on at the docs kelly xx

well i havent made an appiontment yet as yesterday i wasn't sick and today i was sick but once it was over with i felt fine, so im gonna see how i go over the next couple of days
check you out!

I had a really good day y'day till about 5pm.... :puke:

Today I feel a bit yukki but i seem to having better days than not.

PM me if you want a rant! xxxxxx :evil:
Mummy Rich said:
check you out!

I had a really good day y'day till about 5pm.... :puke:

Today I feel a bit yukki but i seem to having better days than not.

PM me if you want a rant! xxxxxx :evil:

aww thats good then specially with ur job (im sure i read in ur other post that ur a teacher is that right?)

I started to feel sick a while ago but i had some toast and it passed so i think it was hunger, im still a bit wary of eating in a morning incase i throw up :wall:

I can cope with being sick as long as the feeling sick goes after it if u know what i mean?

I still cant finish a meal at tea time without feeling sick or getting heart burn but i supose i cant have it all lol

Im :pray: that it is dying down now and that these are not just "good" days
well roll on tri 2 is all i can say.

i long to eat a proper meal and naughtily 'eat for 2' haha

yer am a teacher. the evil kids are givin me a good ol run of the mill at the moment. roll on half term!!

its my bday on tuesday and am not even doing anything grrrr

tue and wed this week were really gud days and i thought ooer... it must be dying down then bam thursday i was :puke: loads then yday was not bad till later on.

fingers crossed for us both xx
Sorry to hear you two ladies are still suffering!! :hug:

I wont get my booking in appt until about 8 weeks, my appointment will come in the post. I cant wait for it, roll on 8, then 12 weeks I say :D
I saw the midwife and was fully booked in.

She tried to take bloods but could only manage one pot! She marked that I have access issues on my chart - I give blood ALL the time and they have never had a problem lol!

Got a scan on Wednesday so I'm really excited.

I was suffering from horrible sickness too but it seems to be easing off a bit now - Only to be replaced by bad headaches! This pregnancy has been such a shock - the first one was a breeze :shock:
Hey hon just noticed you are a fellow cod head so I thought Id pop in and say hi and big congratulations!! x
soverign said:
Hey hon just noticed you are a fellow cod head so I thought Id pop in and say hi and big congratulations!! x

awww tnx

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