Been to 4d scan and dates showing 9 days ahead!

Great photos, it must be such a lovely experience. I def want a 4d scan! x
Thanks ladies, i would recommend a 4d scan, they are amazing, i was amazed last time and I was just as amazed this time, the images are so clear and i watched her kick and punch as I felt her :love: She is so chubby now and she has massive hands too!

soooo cute m2a

Did they say your actual due date changes then? I thought if baby was bigger it just meant it was measuring bigger (rather than coming early if that makes sense)

Either way its great news.


Im not to sure hunny, she just said I was due on the 22nd, think im going to use it as my unofficial due date and speak to my midwife at my next appointment x x

Thanks ladies, i would recommend a 4d scan, they are amazing, i was amazed last time and I was just as amazed this time, the images are so clear and i watched her kick and punch as I felt her :love: She is so chubby now and she has massive hands too!

soooo cute m2a

Did they say your actual due date changes then? I thought if baby was bigger it just meant it was measuring bigger (rather than coming early if that makes sense)

Either way its great news.


Im not to sure hunny, she just said I was due on the 22nd, think im going to use it as my unofficial due date and speak to my midwife at my next appointment x x

That would be great if you were put forward. You'd be 2 days after me. You should defo speak to MW then you can officially change ur ticker exciting.

I was exact on dates at my 20wk scan but i'm wondering if I could be slightly further on if I went for a private scan (we didn't BD on the week they say baby was conceived, it was the week before)

At my 20 week scan my dates were ahead but she over typed them back to the 31st, she was so misrable so I didnt question it but with her saying today about it being the 22nd, its making me think about the date the other one overtyped x x

This is the thing about them working it back to last period. It is never 100%.

Its wierd when you think about it coz some ppl have big babies, I wonder if they got put forward at their scans or just told its a big baby, and to expect it on the date given, how can they tell? looool

Now I know why they say when it comes it comes, you could drive yourself insane with it all

Thanks ladies, i could of sat there and watched her all day :D
Im not too sure Tiff but she shown me the screen with all the figures on and said im due 22nd Oct x x

I always got different due dates when I calculated. Midwife gave me a different date as well!
I kinda think I'm further along than I've been told, not by much but still further along than I am! I read online that if you think you're more than you are, you should be prepared for when YOU think you're due because most women go into labour around the time they think they're due. It's so strange! I have my scan in 9 days so we'll see if my dates change at all :) xxx
Just wanted to say my nhs scan at 20 weeks showed 17/7/11 edd but my 4d scan AUA showed 11/7/11 ( done at 24 weeks) and he came bang on 11/7/11 xxx

Just wanted to say my nhs scan at 20 weeks showed 17/7/11 edd but my 4d scan AUA showed 11/7/11 ( done at 24 weeks) and he came bang on 11/7/11 xxx

Thanks for sharing hunny, i think ill definetly make sure im ready and bags packed at the door a few days earlier then :)
The date is getting closer and closer to my sisters bday x x

I was put forward with my daughter and she was 8 days late, so not so accurate I believe! My friend just had a little boy in June, her original due date was 1st June - they kept putting her forward so she ended up like 9 days overdue but guess what she actually went into labour on her original due date! He wasn't massive either when he was born, he was 8lb 2oz so a nice weight.

At my 12 week scan I was measuring a day or two ahead but she said something about when you put all of the info in it sometimes changes back again. Once she'd done everything she said I was back to original due date. At my 20 week scan baby was measuring a week ahead but they kept my due date the same. Measurements after 12 weeks are notoriously inaacuate as they all grow at such different rates at that stage. Although the later scans I've had have always been quite close to baby's actually weight. They guessed my daughter was already 8lb at 5 days overdue and she was exactly 8lb born 3 days later. They guessed my son was 5lb and he was born the next day and weighed 4lb 14oz - so they were spot on really :)
awwww m2a she looks so cute and comfy, bless its amazing the pics you can get, xxx
Thanks ladies, i keep finding myself just staring at the pics :love: x x

This really makes me want a 4d scan! But I really can't afford one :(

The pics are fantastic m2a! She's beautiful :D xx
Ah ha, here's the thread I missed! Congrats M2A, she is totally cute all nestled in there!.... We've been thinking about a 4d scan and think seeing your pics has made my mind up! So pleased for you, you're gonna have a beautiful daughter and little sis for Adam :)
Definetly go for one if you can, they are amazing and make everything seem so real. I was feeling her kick and actually seen her doing it to, its a must have experiance :)
Cant wait till shes here to see if she actually looks like she does in the scan :love: x x

Congrats M2A. Those pics are so clear you can see just what she looks like. How many weeks were you when you had the scan? I'm on my IPhone so cant see your ticker.

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