I got a 4D scan :D


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2011
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After such a worrying week, we booked a 4D scan and went this morning. It was the most amazing thing! We have a wee chubster in there! He/She has wee chubby cheeks and even chubby arms. We have an estimated weight of 5lb at 32+5 :D
It was the most reassuring thing we could have had, and the best money I've spent in years, I've been on cloud 9 all day :cloud9:
Everything looked good, the detail was amazing, so much better than the hospital scan, and for the first time ever baby played nice for the scan! Makes a change from all the awkwardness we're now used to!!

Here's our best 2 pics, we didn't get a dvd cos it was a special offer at a reduced rate (£65 :dance: ) but we are just over the moon :)


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    3D baby 1.jpg
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    3D baby 2.jpg
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Aww looks amazing hun..I've got mine 3wks today,so excited lol xx
Aw yeahy!!! Amazing pics :) glad you had a nice day... Well deserved after everything!
And totally agree best spent money ever xx
That's great hun! :D So pleased that it made you feel so much better about things. Great pics too! We had 4D scan yesterday, they're amazing! x x
Amazing pics and sounds like it was just what you needed after the last week! How are the movements now? x
Amazing pics and sounds like it was just what you needed after the last week! How are the movements now? x

I've made the decision not to count anymore. Consultant said yesterday that because baby seemed healthy, I seemed healthy, and everything was checking out fine, they weren't as concerned so I've just to go in a couple of times a week.

So I'm not going to 'count' the movements so much as be aware of them iykwim? I basically take stock every so often and decide if I'm happy with how much I've been aware of bubs so far that day. It's made everything so much less stressful, without the pressure of an absolute number.

Yesterday and today have been good, I feel 'aware' of bubs swishing about and rolling and get the occasional squirm and stretch, so although I'm not getting kicks and punches, I'm definitely feeling happy that he/she is moving about. I think it's going to be a much healthier frame of mind for me doing it that way, even though it's against recommendations I guess. If I'm not happy at any time, I'll phone triage, but otherwise I've just to attend as an outpatient a couple of times a week and get scans once a week to check placenta, etc.

Feeling much better I'm sure you can tell!! xx
Sounds like a good idea to me. I'm sure you would sense if something was wrong. And sounds like hospital is keeping a close eye on you.

Really pleased that your feeling better about it :-) x

Using tapatalk so excuse the typos!
Awww that are amazing pics Leesey plus I'm really pleased you are feeling better xx

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