Been Nesting


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2006
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Hi All

When did you start nesting. Yesterday got up feeling like sh*t. Aching and really tired. Anyway went upstairs and have cleared everything out. Couldnt stand the sight of mess in waldrobes and cupboards. Daughters room in so tidy, changed her curtains and sorted out toy box. Moved all the baby things into my room where I then cleared out all our waldrobes and drawers made room for baby things. Got rid of loads of my old clothes and OH which he hasnt yet noticed. Set up all baby things. Got everything out of boxes and made sure everything was ready for him or her. OH thinks I have gone mad. I just have this feeling the baby is going to come early. Is this normal?????

Hannah X
Im not nesting as such but I did start to pack my hozzy bag yesterday and today im going to wash all the baby's clothes that I want to take into hospital so they can be folded and put into his bag.

At least your organised Hannah that can only be a good thing :D
I started about 10 weeks ago :shock: ,but then it wore off and i got really lazy again :roll: ,but today i have a very strong urge to get organised so i better get on with it :lol: xx
Everyday for the past 2 weeks or so I have a mad 2 hour clean, I just go into terminator mode and while im doing it I just have to be left alone :lol:
I've already bought stuff for labour, hospoital and new born bags...... I've even bought a tens machine:rotfl Ian was trying to to get me to wait until the January sales (baby is due in Feb) but I wouldn't wait *sigh* I'm starting to get the cleaning bug, but our house is a tip, and I reckon I need to get sooner than anyone else lol. I'm worried Kim and Aggie will be knocking on our door soon :oops:
lol yes its very normal :D

Had the nesting bug at 20+ weeks ...ended up painting every room of the house lol ...Ive been banned by OH from painting anything now :(

Still cleaning like a mad freak though, only because I know if I go into labour OH wont do it :roll:
hananhmiller said:
Hi All

When did you start nesting. Yesterday got up feeling like sh*t. Aching and really tired. Anyway went upstairs and have cleared everything out. Couldnt stand the sight of mess in waldrobes and cupboards. Daughters room in so tidy, changed her curtains and sorted out toy box. Moved all the baby things into my room where I then cleared out all our waldrobes and drawers made room for baby things. Got rid of loads of my old clothes and OH which he hasnt yet noticed. Set up all baby things. Got everything out of boxes and made sure everything was ready for him or her. OH thinks I have gone mad. I just have this feeling the baby is going to come early. Is this normal?????

Hannah X

i started nesting really early. still nesting now :rotfl:
i have odd days of nesting, ask kayzee ;)

my dad is loving it, mess just annoys me SOOO much, i can be sat there and i just have to get up and start cleaning
lozzijane said:
i have odd days of nesting, ask kayzee ;)

my dad is loving it, mess just annoys me SOOO much, i can be sat there and i just have to get up and start cleaning

I hate mess too, I feel totaly unorganised and my head gets in a mess

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