Been at hospital all day and..........


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2008
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baby is fine!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

My gosh, what a stress.

I woke up with MORE brown spotting, so took the day off work and hubny drove me to emergency. Dr did a clin exam and said my cervix is closed, and that as the blood is brown it is looking ok, but booked me in for a scan this arvo.

I went home and was convinced I had mc'd as got some pain on my left.

Then I went for a scan and my bub has a MINI heart beat :clap: :clap: :clap:

She said the blood is old and probably from implantation. My ovary was apparently swollen and pushing on my cervix which is what is causing the pain. But little bub looks fine at this stage.

:pray: :pray: for 3 weeks at next scan.

What a relief and thanks for all of your support! :wink:
Thats fantasic news :cheer: glad all is well :hug: :hug: xx
glad all is ok hun, what a scare xx
Oh good, that's a relief! especially for you good to get it checked out and put your mind at ease. Glad all is ok :hug: :hug:
yeah it was. gosh i never expected pregnancy to be so stressful.
Bring on tri 2! :pray:
clucky77 said:
yeah it was. gosh i never expected pregnancy to be so stressful.
Bring on tri 2! :pray:

I hate to break it to you but it doesn't get any easier- unfortunately it is a mother's nature to worry and even once you're in tri 2 and beyond you will still worry about your little bean. It is nice to get past that magical 12 week mark though- I can't deny that!

I'm really glad your baby is ok- look after yourself and stay relaxed- happy mummy = happy baby. :hug:
Gosh hun sounds like we have both had awful scares this weekend!!!!!!

Frightening stuff eh? Glad to hear baby bean is well and best of luck it all stays that way, I know you will be fine!! :hug:
So stressful isn't it.

I am still stressing myself as have just read on lots of sites that only
'about half of women who seek help because of bleeding in early pregnancy
go on to have their baby successfully'. Half!

What if spotting + heartbeat, I wonder if the % go up???? Anyone???
Update... I had some more brown spotting today, but still feeling ok-ish about it as it's definitely old blood. I don't really have cramps, just a bit of pain on my left.

Is anyone else having any spotting? I still find is strange that Dr thinks it could be old blood from implantation, when implantation should have been around 3 weeks ago.... anyone else been told the same?
Hi i had bleeding around 6 weeks and when i had a scan they discovered a haematoma sitting above pregnancy sac, when i had another scan 2 weeks later it had gone. Hopefully this will be the last of your old blood. But if your worried at all just give your EPU a call :hug: :hug:
Clucky I read that once a heartbeat has been seen the pregnancy is said to be 'viable' and 90% of pregnancies are successful!!! So this is good news :hug: Obviously not set in stone I know but its very positive :)
Thanks- I just need to keep reminding myself of this!

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