becoming anxious


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2008
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As the weeks go by I am getting more and more anxious about the delivery of my daughter....I guess that's only natural, but I'm obsessing about it constantly.

I'm reading as much baby literature as I can, and watching lots of documentaries etc...I feel the more educated I am about what to expect, the better equipped I will be to deal with it, but sometimes I feel like my head is spinning from information overload! :wall:

I have 8 weeks left, technically, and I'm in two minds about whether I want them to hurry up so I can get this baby out and have it over and done with, or whether I want it to drag and then I don't ever have to give birth :lol: All this waiting just makes it worse for me more time to stress about it!

Is anyone else feeling the same? How are you dealing?

C xxx
yeah, i get feelings like this, but i really try and keep so busy that i have no time for thinking :) it helps!

Theres nothing you can do and baby WILL come out, so just try to occupy your mind with other things if you can - easier said than done. :hug:
Its normal to feel that way, I'm starting to feel very anxious about it all and it doesn't help when people keep telling me that I might give birth before 37 weeks! In a way I feel ready for labour and birth but in other ways I don't if that makes sense?! I think its best we try not to think about it too much (easier said than done!) I have my birthing classes in september but for now I'd rather not know anything about it! But if it helps you then definatly keep reading up about it, for some people I think its the fear of the unknown. Hope you start to feel better about it all soon :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I avoided getting any information other than at parent craft and one, fairly medical, textbook. I read far too much about pregnancy and I do think you can overdose and worry about things that are unlikely to happen. What documentaries don't tend to show is the very straight forward births, so people get the impression they are always complicated and difficult.
From my experience, it wasn't as bad as i thought - even though it was a back to back labour. I managed with gas and air and tbh I would sya most (more than half) of the mothers I have met since had a positive experience.
It is normal to feel anxious - it is the biggest thing in the word to do, but you'll be in the hands of professionals who have done it all before. I worked up until 38.3 weeks and C was early - born 5 days later and I think this helped keep my mind off things. I would avoid asny more info and enjoy your last weeks of being pampered!
I have stopped sleeping at night, part of me is soooooo excited when it finally happens but the other half is sooooo scared that i worry over silly things.
Now i have got to Due date its even worse as i know hes coming SOON, its like i wanted time to zoom by at first and now im happy with him staying in there until i say its

But like it has been said, when i had my son i knew NOTHING at all, i was never scared i went in had him with gas and air and was home 6hours later........ all stress free.
Now the more i know the more scared i am, i guess its knowing what COULD go wrong and the worse cases that scare me the most, i wish i knew nothing again.
Hi Claire and everyone else thats worried, just wanted to give you my perspecive.....

I am honestly the BIGGEST wimp when it comes to pain, my friends used to joke about how awful I was gonna be and hey wished they could watch as once when I cut my foot and had to go to hospital I was the patient from HELL and ended up without having it stitched even though it was deep cos I couldnt go through with letting the doctoe touch it and was going mad (it was a tiny cut just from some glass!) and when I went back to have it cleaned I balled my eyes out while she just used a wipe to clean it :oops: my OH was mortified by me and her actual words were 'How the hell will you ever cope with childbirth!'.

So cos of this I was petrified of labour and was seriously considering begging for a c section as couldnt bare it.

But...I ended up having a 2 hours 25 mins labour and getting to 3cm without even knowing I was in labour!! I didnt even manage any pain releif as by the time the pethadine had started to work I'd had him it was so fast! And now Reggies only 2 weeks old and I actually told my OH I cant wait to have the next one a couple days ago as you really do forget the pain once its over!! :shock:

So it just goes to show that you really dont know how its gonna be and trust me if I can do it, you can. Stay positive, DO NOT listen to any horror stories as my friends tried to scare me and succeded but now I can laugh at all of them as I did a better job than them!xxxx
Honestly Claire! I was EXACTLY the same! I am such a whimp it's unreal and I hate pain!! I'm scared of labour don't get me wrong, but the further you go with the pregnancy, the more and more you get fed up, the more you get fed up, the more you can't wait for those pains!!

I know it's a cliche, but I really am willing the pain to arrive because the excitement of meeting Evie is way above and beyond the fear!

I still worry about the pain of labour - don't get me wrong! I don't think anyone can honestly say they don't care about the pain (it's always a bit of a scary thing because we don't know how it feels!) but I'll worry about that when it happens!

As the finishing line draws closer, you will probably find you can't stop hoping for labour signs!!

It's totally normal though! :hug:
Im not as scared as I was when initially pregnant this time, after all the crap I have put up with at least labour can only last for a few hours and technically most of the things that have been causing me misery will be gone (I will just have other horribles to focus on no doubt!!).

Preparing yourself and being clused up for the worst is a good mental starting block then anything remotly better is a fab bonus :D

my oppinion on having more or less time before the birth?...

I've done it 3 times and am pregnant with number 4. Last one was 10lb (!!!) and I had water birth at home with gas and air.

Would so many people go back for more if it wasn't worth it a million times over?!

just be open to anything, have your plan in place and be prepared for things to change. Even people I know who've had a tough time say it won't put them off more, the memory soon fades, the wounds heal and the pain goes.

Really good luck, but I'm sure you'll cope brilliantly x
Aww Clairey don't you worry hun :hug:

I am now feeling so uncomfortable that I can't wait for Oscar to vacate the premises. I think I've moved from the worrying stage of third tri into the irritated with everything stage :lol: Pregnancy is such a roller coaster of emotions so don't worry about how you feel. As far as birthing goes don't listen to the horror stories, I am rubbish with pain too but I think pregnancy makes you feel so rubbish towards the end that you end up begging for the pain to begin :hug:

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