Bearing weight


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2007
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Well i dont know whether i should start to worry about it just yet but i have had alot of people comment to me on how Calleigh does not bear any weight on her legs if they try and stand her on their laps.
To me i dont see it as a problem and never really thought about it until people kept commenting. She doesnt bear weight at all on her legs when i try her, however she does push up on them say if i am holding her over my shoulder and she pushes up briefly.

I have just put it down to having a lazy baby, i mean she doesnt even roll yet either :roll:

I am not too worried i just wondered what other babies her age are capable of :)
DD was like this and was never interested in standing up at all. (Why stand when you can sit or have someone hold you!) I did wonder about it as my friend's little boy was always wanting to be on his feet and loved bouncing up and down on your knee if you held him up.

It wasn't a problem for DD and she walked at about 14 months so I don't think it's something to worry about, although if you are concerned mention it to your GP/HV when you next see them.
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Angel can stand when i hold her hands. But it isn't long before they give in and she sits again. She will only do this on me or her dad though, no one else. I want a walker for her coz i know she won't be forced to stand, but the force of her trying to push it should give her some strength.
Thanks girls, i am sure she will do it in time :)
I think when you have people point it out to you it doesnt help and that starts to get me thinking :roll:
charlie84 said:
Thanks girls, i am sure she will do it in time :)
I think when you have people point it out to you it doesnt help and that starts to get me thinking :roll:

Totally agree with you, you suddenly start wondering if you've missed something or neglected them or something, but I reckon you should trust your instincts... you'd know if there was a real problem!
LO isn't interested in rolling either yet (she can go from side to side but not tummy to back or vice versa). She doesn't even like being on her tummy that much yet. She isn't too strong in terms of sitting either.

However, she is really into her standing - she can stand holding a chair etc (and when on my lap tries to get to her feet). Also she babbles quite a lot (as talkative as her mum :rotfl: ).

I really do think that all babies have their 'strenghts' and some are a little slower than others. Like my friends baby who is nearly 6 months already crawls but hates standing. Another can already sit up unaided and rolls over a lot, but hardly 'speaks' at all.

Maybe your baby just likes to observe the world at the moment? And she is such a cutie so she cannot possible excell in everything :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww thanks babymagic :hug:

She does like to watch everything that is going on around her.
The only thing she is mastering at the moment is sitting, still a little wobbly at times but getting there.

Oh yeah she will roll to her side if there is boob on offer, even then sometimes she is lazy and waits or me to turn her :lol:
I was worried about this to as ryan still doesnt ever like standing, not even for 2 seconds and he only rolled over for the first time last week!! But i just figure he'll do it when he's ready.

Just the waiting game i suppose!!!

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