BBC news this morning


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2007
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I am not sure how many people are aware but a new review has been done of the maternity services across england (done by trust not by hospital unfortunatly).

here is the link to the BBc article

it also has a link (right hand side about 2/3 of the way down the page to see the actual ratings).

Here is the actual healthcare comission report

http://2007ratings.healthcarecommission ... ache/false

It makes for mixed reading (so don't blame the messenger).

I saw this, this morning just what you need when you are going for a scan at 10am!
My Local hospital (Kettering) is Least well performing :shock: just what I wanted to see right now!!!
Id get better care in my home Town of Newcastle
And my hospital is Pembury hospital in Kent the one that had major problems with hospital bugs

In an i deal world id have my baby up north
Ive always felt they give better care in my experience. ...

This dosnt effect me but its a sign of how the Nhs seems to think they can cost just to meet there budgets. Maternity deemed as not important.
I already know my local Nhs care do not offer me Anti natal clasess.
My trust is rated better performing, but as it isn't broken down by hospital i don't know how good the birthing unit i have choosen will be.

What scared me was at the end of the report it said that many of the trusts couldn't provide all the information requested. and that 6 out of 141 couldn't provide information on 5 indicators (out of 25).

Surely in the age of electronic information it shouldn't be that hard.

Phew, Frimley Park, where I'm going to be going, gets a top rating :clap: :dance: :cheer:
For those looking for the hospital trust reports click here

Mine fell into the 'better performing' catagory.

TBH I'm glad I've opted for a home birth. Two MW's in attendance, one on one care and support, minimal risk of MRSA and C-Dif as am at home and a whole heap of other reasons to keep me in my own bed :)

If I have to go to hospital then so be it, but I'd rather it was a natural process over a medical one which is my main swinging point to opting for home.

I find the continuity of care in hospitals to vary not only from hospital to hospital, but person to person. While one might have a great experience, another might have a rotten one. Mind you I think much of this comes down to a persons hopes and plans and their ability to deal with others during labour and their perception of people and situations in this time.
Harrogate comes out as BEST - could have told them that having had 3 babies there already I know I am really lucky to be going to a great unit - with 6 pregnancies, preeclampsia, premature ruptured membranes, complicated delivery etc I have had absolutely no cause for complaint - why oh why cant every hospital be like that??
I notice Plymouth has come out 'least well'. I'm not surprised. I had James there in 2002 and it was a shambles, of the 2 maternity wards one was closed due to an infection. When I was in labour there were no delivery suites available, no baths or showers for pain relief, so I was put in a room on the ward and left on my own. No family could stay with me cos it was outside visiting hours and the midwives hardly said hello to me.
After the birth I was ignored and it was 4 hours after I'd woken up that morning before a midwife even spoke to me! I had no clue how to pick James up let alone feed him! When the midwives did speak to me several had no patience due to being busy and stressed and snapped at me.
I've decided I'm staying well away from the hospital this time!

I have to say my community midwife was absolutely wonderful. She always had loads of time for any questions I had.
GREAT i've choosen the fair performing hospital over the better performing one, go me!!!!
Oh well to be honest i dont intend to be spending much time in there anyway, appart from being rude the scan person did her job and they were lovely to my friend when she miscarried. I'll be in and out asap though, hospitals arnt exactly the funnist places to be
My local hospital comes out as 'better performing'. I've opted for a home birth anyways but i've never really had any problems with my hospital generally (although i've never had experienc eof their maternity dep).
My midwife tells me it's understaffed and that i'm better off with a home birth anyway!
I heard this on the radio this morning

I'm in Scotland though :lol:
Bee said:
I heard this on the radio this morning

I'm in Scotland though :lol:

Not sure how Scotland would fair in one of these surveys :roll: Many women seem to find huge inconsistencies when compared with English NHS care, or come to think of it the hospital in the next city, so not sure its any better up there :(
The hospital where I had Tom is rated 'Least Well' and yet it was BRILLIANT! The nurses were helpful and supportive. I thought the whole experience was great!
Sherlock said:
Bee said:
I heard this on the radio this morning

I'm in Scotland though :lol:

Not sure how Scotland would fair in one of these surveys :roll: Many women seem to find huge inconsistencies when compared with English NHS care, or come to think of it the hospital in the next city, so not sure its any better up there :(

I was meaning that I wouldn't find my hospital in the article as I am in Scotland. The radio was only talking about England. I didn't say Scottish hospitals were any better or worse.
LucyBee said:
The hospital where I had Tom is rated 'Least Well' and yet it was BRILLIANT! The nurses were helpful and supportive. I thought the whole experience was great!

Ah well, it happens. I think though the overall rating from their survey obviously didn't stack up to your experience. There are obviously things that need addressing there overall.

I'm glad it was a great experience for you there though :) :hug:
it is also only rated by trust. I am in the Buckinghamshire trust, how many maternity units there are in that trust i have no idea. there are two in our area alone so it could vary from unit to unit a lot.

I have only heard good things about the birthing unit we plan on using so fingers crossed.

Bee said:
I was meaning that I wouldn't find my hospital in the article as I am in Scotland. The radio was only talking about England. I didn't say Scottish hospitals were any better or worse.

Ah :) Shame there is not this kind of report for Scotland and Wales also so parents and parents to be can see where their hospitals are rated.

I think it really boils down to luck of the draw in many cases. Some Scottish hospitals seem to be better than others, but also better than some in England :roll: :wall:

It's frustrating the level of care varies so greatly throughout the UK, but it is also to be expected. Density of population, demands on overall budget, care needs, it all factors in. I doubt it'll even be an equal playing field as there are simply too many variables.
It will always be difficult to measure these kinds of things - especaily considering there are so many varying factors.

Its the same with schools - where I live the local schools are alwyas getting compared to the private ones but its not the same system so not exactly fair.

I wonder why they produce these reports - do u think things will actually change with the results? Or is it just scaremongering?

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