Bath and Change products whats the best to use?


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2007
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who uses what products different brands are all the same brand?
moiustursing creams, wash's, lotions, oils, powder, shampoo ect

do you go on price as well as effectivness ?

Im wondering which brands are the best and cost effective

SARAH :wave:
Personally unless I have something specific against a certain brand, I just buy whatever is on offer. You will get through so so many baby wipes, nappies etc that it would be too expensive to buy them at full price all the time!

Boots own wipes (in purple packets) have been fine and are on bogof quite a lot (they are the moment anyway...). My baby wipes preference is Pampers sensitive but if you don't get them on offer they can be really expensive. I also didn't like Johnsons wipes - they were really soapy, so I only used the 4 pack OH's mum had got us and I didn't buy any more of them. Huggies wipes I have heard off people on here can be quite rough and have a gritty feel to them, so i've not tried those either. I've just stuck to Pampers and Boots cos I know they work for us. Oh, and Simple (in a light green packet) are fine, I get them from Bodycare if the only bogofs in Boots are on Huggies :lol:

Nappies we buy Pampers but they're always on 2 for £16 in Boots so it's not that I'm a brand snob or anything, but huggies (other than newborn size) didn't work out so great for us and Boots is the main shop closest to me where I get the baby stuff from. Tesco's have also been fine when my mum has bought them for us.

Baby bubble baths and the likes. All I can say is don't get too many! We were bought so much baby lotion, sudocrem, bubble bath, baby oil, etc etc . We've just finished the first baby bubble bath tub this past week (and he's 6 months now.. :shock:) and we used tesco's bathtime bubble bath (purple lavender one) and it was fine. Now we are using Johnsons purple one which is also fine. Anything to aid him getting to sleep is a plus in my books!!! Erm.. sudocrem we haven't got anywhere near to finishing a tub, a very little bit goes a very long way..! Baby lotion, we're still on the first tub of, and we haven't been using baby oil or shampoo or anything like that... otherwise bath time would take twice as long!!!

Hope that helps :)

But lotions and potions, really, don't get too many or you'll be wondering where to store them when you realise how long they last. The thing to buy in on offers is Wipes Wipes and more Wipes! And one pack of each size nappies, as you don't know how big your baby will be or how long they will be in each nappy size for!


I'm really particular about what toiletries I use on DD. For bathtime I use Little Me baby organics baby bath or bath soak (just a tiny bit) and just wash her hair by squeezing water over her head. We were using Johnsons baby shampoo (as we had some in for OH!) but we only used it about 3 times (she doesn't have much hair) and it aggravated her cradle cap - so at bathtime its just Little Me bath soak and then baby massage with natural grapeseed oil. I don't like Johnsons or supermarket equivalent, I just think it smells really synthetic. I also love the way that DD always smells like 'her', not like Johnsons!

DD has just started getting nappy rash (at nearly 7 months) in past 2 weeks - I'm not sure whether its due to fact that she's now having solid poos (started on solids recently) or whether we've started using eco-paper nappy liners as well (maybe these are irritating her bum) or maybe she's just teething badly. I was using Sudocrem but I was recommended to use Weleda Calendula baby nappy soothing cream - and its fab! Its got oil and cream in it and has cleared up DD a treat and we've only been using it since Saturday! Its expensive though at £5.99 (but I won't be using it every change, maybe once a day when she's fully cleared up) and I had to go to a holisticy therapy shop to buy it.

Wipes wise I'm particular again - I hate Johnsons, Boots, Huggies - anything too wet. I buy Natures Babies from Boots, Co-op, Sainsburys - these are expensive at £2.49 a pack. When I got a £30 Mothercare voucher for opening DD's child trust fund, I used the £30 to buy 12 x packs Natures Babies wipes! I have used Simple wipes in her change bag (as they had a click-close lid) and quite liked these too. I may also try Boots Botanics though (even more expensive at £2.79 as they say on them that they are degradable - although so do Natures Babies, but I'm not sure thats true from what I've read). I'd love to be more disciplined and just use cotton wool and water (like in first 2 months), but I just can't be bothered - so its the one thing I've relented on.

I probably disagree with leckershell - I don't buy whats on offer, even though its tempting when I see wipes or whatever on offer. I'm really sparing with what we use (even shout at OH for using 10 wipes a nappy change!) and try to buy the products I prefer, even if they are slightly more expensive. However I save LOADS of money by breastfeeding (about £7 a week I think) and by using reusable nappies (and buying these fairly cheap from real nappy projects) so save about £5 a week here - so I'm probably saving about £80-£90 a month just on these two things so I don't mind spending a tiny bit more on toiletries. I do have to remember to make special trips to buy my wipes, baby bath, nappy cream etc - you can't often pick these things up on a supermarket shop, so it does mean making a special journey when you need to stock up.

You are getting an essay from everyone - sorry for writing so much!

Valentine Xxx
leckershell said:
My baby wipes preference is Pampers sensitive but if you don't get them on offer they can be really expensive. x

These are BOGOF in boots at the min hun!
I put others as I use a mixture of some of them.

For Wipes I use Boots own brand (the darker purple packet) they are the only ones not to have had an effect on Arianna's bottom.... I usually have a pack of Sainsburys own "Totty Bott's" Wipes in my handbag as they are a smaller size packet and they also don't bring her out in a rash.

Bubble Bath is Johnsons Nightime one, Shampoo is now (as she is older and has mass of curls) Johnsons Buddies Easy-Comb 2 in 1 Shampoo.

Moisturiser I use either Simple's Baby Soothing Lotion or the Johnsons green pack one... I think it is Olive and Aloe Vera based (smells lush!)
i love huggies wipes with shea butter , and there on offer in tesco at mo :cheer:

in his bath im just using baby oil / olive oil , i used some top to toe stuff i got from bounty and it made his skin dry !

can i also reccomemend boots cotton wool , it stays together , where as asda stuff would stick to him !

shampoo i used dentonox (spl) cradle cap , and now thats cleared up i prob wont use anything for a while
I use Johnsons bath products most of the time but as they are quite expensive I usually stock up when they are on offer. I really love the smell of them :D I have nothing againts own brand products though. I have used the Tesco talc which was fine so i'm sure the other own brand stuff would be ok too. I also use own brand nappies and wipes sometimes and I havn't had any problems with them. I think it's a matter of trying different brands out to see which ones you get on with the best because everyone will have a different opinion.
I use Johnsons baby bath (purple and the blue one) got a couple of the purple ones for this baby aswell.

I use Johnsons wipes or tescos own the £1.09 ones, lol. Never liked huggies wipes because when I used them Nathan got a sore bum.

I use bepanthen nappy cream if Nathan has a bit of a rash but sudocrem is good aswell :)

I use Johnsons bedtime lotion because I love the smell but I use boots own now and again aswell. I also use boots own baby shampoo

I use huggies nappies and never had a problem with them whereas pampers always leaked. For this baby I've bought one pack huggies newborn and one pack of pampers incase this baby is different and get's on better with Pampers. Tesco's own were ok and I didn't like asdas own nappies.

I always buy the same products because I know Nathan is ok with them and I like them aswell :)
thanks everyone for your experiances it's givng me some ideas on what products to use

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