Personally unless I have something specific against a certain brand, I just buy whatever is on offer. You will get through so so many baby wipes, nappies etc that it would be too expensive to buy them at full price all the time!
Boots own wipes (in purple packets) have been fine and are on bogof quite a lot (they are the moment anyway...). My baby wipes preference is Pampers sensitive but if you don't get them on offer they can be really expensive. I also didn't like Johnsons wipes - they were really soapy, so I only used the 4 pack OH's mum had got us and I didn't buy any more of them. Huggies wipes I have heard off people on here can be quite rough and have a gritty feel to them, so i've not tried those either. I've just stuck to Pampers and Boots cos I know they work for us. Oh, and Simple (in a light green packet) are fine, I get them from Bodycare if the only bogofs in Boots are on Huggies
Nappies we buy Pampers but they're always on 2 for £16 in Boots so it's not that I'm a brand snob or anything, but huggies (other than newborn size) didn't work out so great for us and Boots is the main shop closest to me where I get the baby stuff from. Tesco's have also been fine when my mum has bought them for us.
Baby bubble baths and the likes. All I can say is don't get too many! We were bought so much baby lotion, sudocrem, bubble bath, baby oil, etc etc . We've just finished the first baby bubble bath tub this past week (and he's 6 months now..

) and we used tesco's bathtime bubble bath (purple lavender one) and it was fine. Now we are using Johnsons purple one which is also fine. Anything to aid him getting to sleep is a plus in my books!!! Erm.. sudocrem we haven't got anywhere near to finishing a tub, a very little bit goes a very long way..! Baby lotion, we're still on the first tub of, and we haven't been using baby oil or shampoo or anything like that... otherwise bath time would take twice as long!!!
Hope that helps
But lotions and potions, really, don't get too many or you'll be wondering where to store them when you realise how long they last. The thing to buy in on offers is Wipes Wipes and more Wipes! And one pack of each size nappies, as you don't know how big your baby will be or how long they will be in each nappy size for!