
Sorry I can't help but just want to say have a brilliant time :dance:
didnt want toread and run but I have spent a lot of time in Barcelona, willpost back later x
I LOVE BARCELONA! I went as a stop on a cruise so i'm not much good at what to do as we were only there a day. We went on a helicopter ride over Barcelona and if you can afford it then I thoroughly reccomend it, it was one of the best experiences of my life :D

we did a stop on our cruise too so not got any ideas sorry but have a great time wish someone would surprise me :wink: :hug:
I was there in January for the 3rd time, I love it there! You can do a tour of the football stadium even if there is no match on which your OH should enjoy, Also the Sagrada Familia and the Gaudi park are lovely to visit. My OH is a foodie so we visited St Josephs market as well which he loved, we plan to rent an apartment there as soon as we can and spend a week as there was so much we wanted to do :D
maria1976 said:
didnt want toread and run but I have spent a lot of time in Barcelona, willpost back later x

same here will reply tonight
Right back to reply like I promised :D

So Barcelona is such an amazing city, it has everything architecture, art, shopping, beach, drinking, fab restaurants, nightlife and a fantastic tourist bus.

Basically most of the sights are reached by 2 tourist bus routes. One red, one blue. Both do circular trips and you buy your tickets and can hop on and off as many times as you like. Think you can but day tickets or a number of days and you buy them from the tourist info at the top of La Ramblas which is just by the placa de catalunya (I think) not far form Hard Rock Cafe if I remember rightly. If you stick to the bus routes you cant go wrong sight seeing wise.

The architecture is amazing, you must go and see the Gaudi Cathedral and also Parc Guell. Theres also Gaudi's apartment which is superb, the roof alone is worth the entrance fee. Football stadium is excellent too, as is the Olympic village. I also went to the zoo (see my avatar, of Snowflake the only known albino gorilla in the world, but has now sadly died :( ).

I would recommend a great bar to go to which is on Nou De La Rambla, which is the same street as Gaudi hotel, the bar is called the London Bar. Dont be put off by the name its not a typical Brit pub but one of the oldest in Barcelona and its where Ernest Hemingway used to frequent to write poetry and drink I suppose :think:

La Rambla is good entertainment of a night with markets and street entertainers but like any other city watch your purse in this area, same with the old town of a night too. Although its great to get lost in there and taste some of the typical Spanish bars, we came across an amazing flamenco bar which was just young locals having a drink but they were all flamenco dancing - was brilliant. La Rambla is also very expensive to eat and drink, but its good to experience at least one drink watching the world go by particularly at nigh but you will pay double compared to one street off la Rambla.

Hope you have a fab time :D
What isn't there to do in Barcelona!! :lol: It is the most amazing pcity I have ever been too, I fell in love with it and long to go back there. Am hoping to do so for my honeymoon :cheer:

Charlie covered most of what I would of mentioned :D Like her I would definitely recommend a trip to the Sagrada Familia, it's a beautiful building and even if your not 'in' to architecture I don't think you can help but to become engrossed in it with Barcelona. :) La Ramblas is brilliant too, has everything you need, bars, clubs, restaurants, street entertainers, market stalls. It's brilliant just to have a walk around. The Nou Camp is fab, especially if your OH is into his football. It's HUGE!! We took a tour where you went around the stadium and into the commentators bit, into the dressing rooms and into the museum. I would highly recommend it. There is too much to mention. You cannot fail to be impressed with the place. You won't get bored on more than likely you won't have time to see everything and will be wanting to go back as soon as your back home :lol:

Have a fab time, i'm very excited for you!!

I so want to go back :D :hug:
Barcelona's fab, you'll have a great time :cheer: :cheer:

When we visit a new city, we usually hop on a tourist bus so we can have a good look around so I would definitely advise doing the bus tours (red & blue); if I remember rightly I think one takes you down towards the port area and the other route definitely passes the Nou Camp, which is great if your DH is a footie fan (you can hop on and off as much as you like in 24 hours).

You should definitely head up to the top of Montjuic mountain (catch the tour bus up - its easier!) cos the views of the city from the top are amazing, and its worth going back to watch the fountains all lit up at night.

Enjoy, wish I was going back now x
Emma79 said:
its worth going back to watch the fountains all lit up at night.

Enjoy, wish I was going back now x

How coulod I forget Magical Fountains, try and get some info but they are usually on on a Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday ( I think ) there are 2 shows. Basically the fountains light up and dance to loud classic music, aww it's just lovely and very romantic :D
Sweetcheeks24 said:
Emma79 said:
its worth going back to watch the fountains all lit up at night.

Enjoy, wish I was going back now x

How coulod I forget Magical Fountains, try and get some info but they are usually on on a Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday ( I think ) there are 2 shows. Basically the fountains light up and dance to loud classic music, aww it's just lovely and very romantic :D
I forgot the fountains too! They are great to watch. We walked there took about 30 minutes but got a taxi back.
I went with school and personally I didn't really enjoy it. I'm scared of being stolen from (like overly scared, slightly phobic since someone tried to get off with my phone a few years back) and I'd heard so many stories that I was scared to go out of the hotel. :(
La Ramblas is a great place, thriving with culture, full of fantastic restaurants and bars, street performers, etc. Me being me, I was scared to stop and look at anything, which I do regret.
Our 'hostel' was based in an alley with prostitutes and vagrants in one of the side streets off La Ramblas, so rather scary at night!

Negativity aside, it is fantastic, I recommend the bus tour, really great. I'd love to go again but stay somewhere a bit more up market.

Safety wise, keep your hand on your bag wherever you go, I had a little 'bag', like a purse on a rope that I wore around my neck and kept all my money. Just made me feel safer. Also be careful in crowds like in the underground, queues and especially the street performances as they do have locals in there who are specifically there to dip in your bag, better to be safe than sorry. :)

Sorry if this seemed a bit negative, but I just wanted to say what I thought. With me being scared of theft I was scared of everyone, but it's a beautiful place and you'll have a lovely time!
If you have time the Dali museum in Figueres is excellent. You can take the train from Barcelona to Figueres. It takes you about 1.5 hours but is well worth the trip..
exactly what Charlie said lol, Im mnot very good at explaining things.

Sagrada Familia is a must
Parc guelle is a must
Olympic village :lol: been very drunk here they used to have an Irish bar here and a club,its at the bottom of Las Ramblas

and there are two restarants there that are my faves, my then Catalan BF brought me to both.

this one is just off la ramblas my fave in the world!!! you must try the iberico jamon

and another one i WILL remember the name off, but is only known my locals apparantly. You pay a certain amount and they just keepbringing you very fresh food including seafoods and at the end lots of bottles brought to your table to drink and you can have a glass of each 8)

Ill be back x
Aw, have a lovely time maybebaby! My OH is 30 next July, maybe I should think about something like this for him too - it'd be just lovely to go away together. Its leaving the babies that'll be the hard thing!

Barcelona sounds amazing - I want to go now!

Valentine Xxx
I think we should have a PF meet in Barcelona :) any takers!!
siany said:
If you have time the Dali museum in Figueres is excellent. You can take the train from Barcelona to Figueres. It takes you about 1.5 hours but is well worth the trip..

We hired a car to take us to the Dali museum. TBH if youre a big fan then go but if not then dont bother, it was way too busy (July) queued about 2 hours to get in then we cold hardly look at anything because there were too many people inside.

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