banging his head against the door??!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
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Leif keeps doing it!! why? I say no or stop or move him away and he goes back and does it again? :?
Hayden does things like in his high chair he sometimes used to bang his head on the back of it and if i asked him to stop he would look at me defiantly and do it again- and he did go through a short phase of banging his head off the floor too. It is getting better the more he learns to talk so i think it must be a frustration at not being able to vocalise there feelings or needs the same as they way they hit people in the face! they just grow out of it but in the meantime
when he does it try distracting him pick him up away from the door and show him something a toy or whatever!
Phew someone replied at last! i was starting to thing Leif was a nutcase! lol

He is always hitting and rubbing his head, i think i will speak to his paediatrician about it at some point cause its like he has a constant headache and then he goes and happily stands there headbutting the door.
aww course hes not a nutcase thats a pretty normal thing (unless Hayden is nutty too,
hes always banging his head too he usually has a bump or cut i'm sure ppl think i beat him!

see what the paediatrition says but i'm sure hes fine!! :hug:
Ditto, Carina stephen used to do this in the past when he was non verbal and he would bang his head and scream in frustration because of his not being able to talk to us.

When leif can communicate with you more the frustration will ease and he wil soon stop as my DS has now too.

So ditto to above.
Isaac loves rubbing his head/forehead on things, including my forehead, the wall, the floor, I've read its quite common, and not something to be worried about although I know how odd it appears and how it can be worrying as they do it so hard :shock: It's all about learning and sensory development, hopefully it'll pass soon though :hug:

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