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Amanda W

Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2010
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Well just had yet another arguement with the oh this time it was the worse one iam so fed up of it all its not fair on my daughter and what i said just slipped out :wall2:

I said theres the door if you dont like it anymore go and guess what he did:shock:

he just walked out jumped in his car n sped of now he is the type of guy to go to one of our friends and start slagging me of blaming it all on me iam starting to think perhaps being apart may be best
what is it about if you dont mind me asking?? e, is it reconcilable in the long run as in will it just be something you need to talk through or will it be something you can work on and compromise?? im very much for making a rship work and puttin gin the hard work however its something that is completely irreconcilable maybe you guys need to talk. i wouldnt finish it as it is hun you need to either arge and work it out or argue and break up!!!!!!! my on ly advice: dont stay together for alisha only................she'll thrive more ifyou're bothe separate but great parents!!!!!!!!!!!! just make sure YOURE hppy!!!

He wants man time his time alone

I'd tell him he can have it - in abundance! He'd soon come crawling back once he realised what he's lost! :hugs: be strong, I've been where you are, men can be selfish idiots x
And when do you get your time alone?! He must understand that when you become a parent what you want doesn't come first any more, and he shouldn't be selfishly trying to put himself first! It's not as if it's going to be that way forever, but he needs to realise that what he's got right now is amazing, and he needs to start appreciating it rather than thinking about things he'd rather be doing as it won't be long before he's looking back and realising what he's missed out on :( Now that our boys are a bit older we both have a bit of time where we get to do our own thing (I've just come back from my new drama group :blush:) but all that is arranged around the boys and what they need first. I totally agree with cosmic that you should tell him that he can have it and that he'll soon realise that it's him that's missing out :hug: x
Can't add much more to what the girls have already said, it's absolutely fine that he has his "man time" but that also comes with you getting you time! It can't be all take and no give, and it can't be all the time, he has a family now :hug: xxx
it's the same with me Amanda, my OH likes his "man time/alone time", when do i get alone time ?? i do everything, feed,change,bath our son, play with our son (he does it too but not a lot, his face is usually buried in his phone or the laptop), i do hoovering,dusting,washings,dishes, deal with the dogs,etc. He's been out with his mates and hasnt came home untill like 5am the next morning and doesnt think its a problem, he goes to his brothers which is like an hours drive there and an hours drive back and stayed over night,pished ... i hardly get a txt from him when he's out and he moans if I txt him when he's with his mates,etc ..... which i dont understand why, bcos we are in a relationship and we have a baby here ... am i not entitled to txt him and be extremely angry when he doesnt come home untill yawn time in the morning, pished n then sleeps all day or is ill all day n cant deal with the baby .....

I dont go out bcos im happy with what i have at home, id rather sit in 24/7 with my son than go out with my mates these days ....

he's different ......

it annoys me !
we have only just started talking again because Alisha isnt too well shes been coughing and then chocking with it
Shes fine shes finally getting over her cough him well.......Once again hes just walked of i asked him where he was going and he just blanked me and sped of i cant be doing with this anymore im stuck on what to do for the best...again he tryed to drop some hints lastnight that wanted abit of sex but i was tired lastnight at the moment my sex drive has gone ive never had a high sex drive anyway but he has wonder if thats got anything to do with it
it's the same with me Amanda, my OH likes his "man time/alone time", when do i get alone time ?? i do everything, feed,change,bath our son, play with our son (he does it too but not a lot, his face is usually buried in his phone or the laptop), i do hoovering,dusting,washings,dishes, deal with the dogs,etc. He's been out with his mates and hasnt came home untill like 5am the next morning and doesnt think its a problem, he goes to his brothers which is like an hours drive there and an hours drive back and stayed over night,pished ... i hardly get a txt from him when he's out and he moans if I txt him when he's with his mates,etc ..... which i dont understand why, bcos we are in a relationship and we have a baby here ... am i not entitled to txt him and be extremely angry when he doesnt come home untill yawn time in the morning, pished n then sleeps all day or is ill all day n cant deal with the baby .....

I dont go out bcos im happy with what i have at home, id rather sit in 24/7 with my son than go out with my mates these days ....

he's different ......

it annoys me !

i know how u feel hun u on facebook x
it's the same with me Amanda, my OH likes his "man time/alone time", when do i get alone time ?? i do everything, feed,change,bath our son, play with our son (he does it too but not a lot, his face is usually buried in his phone or the laptop), i do hoovering,dusting,washings,dishes, deal with the dogs,etc. He's been out with his mates and hasnt came home untill like 5am the next morning and doesnt think its a problem, he goes to his brothers which is like an hours drive there and an hours drive back and stayed over night,pished ... i hardly get a txt from him when he's out and he moans if I txt him when he's with his mates,etc ..... which i dont understand why, bcos we are in a relationship and we have a baby here ... am i not entitled to txt him and be extremely angry when he doesnt come home untill yawn time in the morning, pished n then sleeps all day or is ill all day n cant deal with the baby .....

I dont go out bcos im happy with what i have at home, id rather sit in 24/7 with my son than go out with my mates these days ....

he's different ......

it annoys me !

i know how u feel hun u on facebook x

No i dont have facebook or any social networking sites hunny, my OH and I agreed to delete them as his ex partner was harrasing and being extremely nasty to me and accusing him of cheating on me with his friend while he was with me, and he also had his friend saying how much she was in love with him in a private message on bebo, so we talked and agreed it would be less hassle living without them and deleted them. We havent went back. I have an email address though if you want it if you feel like you need to talk anytime? x
it's the same with me Amanda, my OH likes his "man time/alone time", when do i get alone time ?? i do everything, feed,change,bath our son, play with our son (he does it too but not a lot, his face is usually buried in his phone or the laptop), i do hoovering,dusting,washings,dishes, deal with the dogs,etc. He's been out with his mates and hasnt came home untill like 5am the next morning and doesnt think its a problem, he goes to his brothers which is like an hours drive there and an hours drive back and stayed over night,pished ... i hardly get a txt from him when he's out and he moans if I txt him when he's with his mates,etc ..... which i dont understand why, bcos we are in a relationship and we have a baby here ... am i not entitled to txt him and be extremely angry when he doesnt come home untill yawn time in the morning, pished n then sleeps all day or is ill all day n cant deal with the baby .....

I dont go out bcos im happy with what i have at home, id rather sit in 24/7 with my son than go out with my mates these days ....

he's different ......

it annoys me !

i know how u feel hun u on facebook x

No i dont have facebook or any social networking sites hunny, my OH and I agreed to delete them as his ex partner was harrasing and being extremely nasty to me and accusing him of cheating on me with his friend while he was with me, and he also had his friend saying how much she was in love with him in a private message on bebo, so we talked and agreed it would be less hassle living without them and deleted them. We havent went back. I have an email address though if you want it if you feel like you need to talk anytime? x

Oooh okay i understand and yeh send me inbox hun and ill pass mine to you as well will be nice to have someone to talk to about things x

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