bad thoughts & bad dreams


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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i read a story in love it! magazine yesterday about a woman who was raped as she had a miscarriage. Rape and miscarriage are just about the 2 worst things i can think of right now and last night i couldnt sleep coz i kept thinking about it, i was almost crying and felt sick, and i was scared that i'd dream that it happened to me. ive had a few disturbing dreams since i got pregnant and i'm always slightly scared to fall asleep. how can you shut out horrible thoughts before u go to sleep?
and that poor woman, i wish i could give her a hug
:hug: BIG hugs trixipaws :hug:
Bad dreams aren;t nice at all are they, and they get quite vivid while pregnant. A good thing to remember is that dreaming is good for you, if not nice at times, its the minds way of putting bits in order, though often not so you'd understand them. Like children see monsters, our dreams can sometimes feel that real to us as adults, its normal :hug:
I don't know about stopping bad dreams, but I do know if you take a notebook to bed with you and write down everything on your mind before going to sleep, it helps clear out the head so you're not working overtime in your sleep which can cause worrying thoughts etc
Really hope you don't have anymore trixipaws, and remember you can control the thinking about bad dreams, think about good dreams, about you and your beautiful baby, when you meet, think good thoughts, that will help :hug:
:hug: :hug: sometimes I fond it hard to switch off and everything is so much more vivid in the dark!! I haven't really got any advice, the only thing that makes me switch off before sleep is reading a book, buy a chick lit type book that is funny so that when you drop off there shouldn't be any bad thoughts in your mind! xxx
I agree with missac, a good chick-lit book should help, either that or don't read the stories in the magazines after say 7pm so you have time to eatch something more refreshing on the TV....hope you get a better nights sleep tonight :hug:

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