Bad skin


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2010
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Has anyone else got really bad skin?

My skin is never great tbh, but it's pretty bad atm. The side of my cheeks look like proper acne :roll:

Can anyone recommend anything?

I use to get a cream from the doctor, but think it will be a no go. Was thinking of getting the Simple stuff.

Hey Olive,

My skin was horrendous last week and its never ever usually that bad but I just made sure all my hair was swept away from my face and cleaned my face with Dove Shower Wash and then kept putting TCP on the sores.

Today its pretty clear, I guess it wont be long before I have another breakout though lol.

I would just suggest non oil creams such as TCP, stay away from Sudacrem and things like that as they sometimes make it worse rather than better.

Ahh I have had four kids and with my first three I had terrible skin right through pregnancy, with my last I gave up all caffine , (I like a cupa) before TTC as I had just had a missed Miscaridge at 11 plsu weeks (skin was also bad then!) , and so the fifth pregnancy was all great, skin was brilliant... I have stayed off it, and my skin is the best I ever had

worth a shot hun , good luck X
My skin is horrid spots all over forhead and chin and they are not the type of spots that dry up and dissapear in a couple of days had them weeks now and no sign of them doing one arghh!!! Xx
I've usually got great skin but now I have spots on my jawline, back, and sometimes even chest! :-( x
Spotty chin. I rarely get spots but my skin feels very oily and my chin is a mess with spots now :(
Chest too and occasional neck ones!

My very first sign of pregnancy was I got very spotty very suddenly.
My beautician that i had for my wedding tolds me that my spots are due to "congested skin".

Basically i need to exfoliate more which minimises the blockages caused by dead skins cells :)

My skin is actually pretty good atm and i'm not putting anything on my face except overnight moisturiser. I don't put any soap on it but make a point of giving it a good scrub with the towel when i'm drying myself.

Oh, and when i have a bath i put some dettol in :good:
My back, chest and the top of my arms have been awful and spotty this pregnancy. They are big, red and painful, almost like boils. They are so horrible and I feel really self consious about them. I asked my Dr about them and she said I could use any pharmacy treatments like Clearasil or Freederm but she couldn't prescribe me anything while I am pregnant. I have been using a Clearasil scrub and treatment cream but, tbh I don't find they are helping at all :(
Spotty back across the top of my shoulders. Used to get these when I was teenager. Also get the odd spot on me neck. Not loads but really nasty painful ones which won't go away.

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