Bad skin is back and worse than EVER!

Piglet's Mama

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2010
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I think I can count about 20 spots all around my mouth & chin... then I think there's prob a few on my forehead too not to mention the spots that have started to appear on my BOOBS, my thighs, my tummy - spots, spots, spots!

oh dear! my skin is fine at the moment.. face is clear of spots but i do keep getting spots on my boobs, but im sure there will be some that appear soon! you need to get the sudocrem out again! x
Bugger - what happened to the "glow" maybe you have your own "mask" of pregnancy.....joking apart, hope it does not get you down too much spots are a real pain. Bizarrely mine have all cleared up!! I normally have about 20 and now I have 3 !!! Hormones what a nightmare..... Maybe a few days no make up, lots of water and non perfumed moisturiser will help with the dab of sudocrem at bedtime....or 20
I still have a few on my face but I've stopped using my face wash etc and they have def improved since I've done that. I think with the preg, my skins changed and using it was making it worse not better! X
I have a thousand spots as well - nasty ones! Is Sudocrem good for this then? Do you just dab it on the spots themselves?
Yeah - it's fab, takes the redness out and seems to dry them out too. Tracey M suggested it to me - the woman is a genius! I just walk around the house with it dabbed on LOL! I've reapplied it about three times today - my husband must think I'm a picture...! x
- my husband must think I'm a picture...! x

I am so going to try that. Got a wee pot as part of my Bounty pack so I'll use that!
I went for my bra fitting today at Mothercare and was so :blush: at my spotty back and chest...oh deary

OH YEAH and I am now a 38B not a 36AA oooh! She said it was either 38B or 36C and I was incredulous but she was right :eek:
I use the pot out of my Bounty pack too - great minds! Ugh, I have spots everywhere, I had some really angry ones on my back before, I said to hubby "would you squeeze them?" he was like "Ugh, get away!" LOL - I'm so attractive when I'm pregnant!

And boobs - I have gone from a 32F to a 36F, spent alot of money on a lovely nursing bra from Bravissimo and six weeks later I'd grown out of it! x
my skin is awful too! at first my face and my chest were really bad, now that has calmed down a bit but my back is awful, really big red horrible spots :-( just looks awful, im moisturising every day, its making to difference atall, just hoping it goes before it gets warmer cos strappy tops are gunna look horrible!!
Katie awww don't worry about the summer cos actually the sun is quite good for clearing up bad skin. You still have to apply your SPF, mind!

Jen - VAVAVOOM lady!!


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