Bad night - and Day!


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2006
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Well as you can see from the time this has been posted I have had no sleep!

Logan has been a little devil all day! He has cluster fed all day from 12 wanting to be fed hourly and taking 30 mins to feed....... then this evening he went to sleep at 9 but woke at 12 and thats it! He is wide awake cooing and shouting in his cot... thank god he isn't crying.

I have just fed him and he has messed about on the nipple biting and pulling.... whenI take him off he smiles at me! I am so sore anyway from the thrush this just brought tears to my eyes............ I feel right now like I am not cooing very well. hubby is wide awake in bed having had 2 hours sleep and is up in 2 now I feel guilty for not sorting Logan out..............but then I have been trying to sort him out all day and I think I am going mad!!!!!!

Sorry to rant on here but I don't know what else to do
The little stinker, I really feel for you chicken :hug: Don't feel bad hun as you've been dealing all day and night and your LO is a much the hubby's as yours so you are in this together.
I really cant advise anything other than could you perhaps express some milk so as to at least give yourself a break from the breastfeeding, I also know you can combine bottle and breast feeding but appreciate you may not want to do this. Do you have any family who might be able to come over and help out today so that you can get an hour or two of sleep,?
Wish I lived near so I could help you out hun. Think you are coping really well so don't lose hope, it will get easier....I promise :hug:
Thank you so much for your reply!

Logan has been a little better this morning but still up at 7 wide awake and screaming. It seems that he goes from 0 - full scream in seconds.... I personally think there is a lot of temper there.... but there you go. At the min he is in his cot with his mobile going and he seems very happy... its just his mummy who isn't!
aww Lyndsey i am sorry you're going through it with the little man!!
i don't really know what to suggest either as i didn't breastfeed Louie,
could Logan have slept too much in the evening say up till 7?
with Louie we have to keep him awake from 5 ish until bedtime or he will not sleep till 10.30 pm ish & then he will wake up in the night & be wide awake!!!

could you try keeping Logan awake early evening (easier said than done i know!) then he hopefully will be more tired & sleep longer.

its so hard but you will eventually settle in to some sort of routine sleep wise, Louie has a different bedtime evry night ranging from 8/10 pm, don't worry though we are in the same boat as you.
good luck :hug: :hug:

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