Bad news *updated with thanks*

Hi honey,

I think you really were so brave to go out. I am glad it wasn't too bad for you. You musn't feel bad for sharing your feelings with people, here or with friends. I have found talking incredibly helpful and this forum has been so supportive, I don't know what I would have done without all of the wonderful people on here. We are all so sorry for your loss and I am sure I am not the only one who wants to help you in any way that we can.
You have been through a really tough week Tick-Tock, relax, talk and don't be hard on yourself.
Please pm if you ever need a friend to chat to or someone to rant at.

Lots of hugs :hug:
Hi Tick Tock

Been through the 'medical management' myself and I know that feeling of it dragging on and wanting it over. The mixture of emotions can be realy overwhelming sometimes.

Just to say you are being incredibly strong, and its lovely your OH is putting you first and vice versa.

Take care of you and remember do whatever feels right for you, if you ever want a chat just PM me xxx

Take care xxxx :hug:

Just read this so sorry hun :hug: I couldnt imagine what your going through. Glad you have a great OH to help you through this .

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