Bad news from physio today


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2011
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Some of you may know that I've been signed off work for a couple weeks with hip pain. It is not getting any better and today I had physio. It didn't go well, he said it was my sacro-illiac joint and that the hormones called relaxin that we produce in pregnancy relax and stretch the ligaments and mine is inflamed. He said it's rare to get it so early on and that the likelihood is it will get worse the further on i am
In my pregnancy. He said exercise will just make it worse and I have to limit activities that irritate it - which at the moment is pretty much everything!

I feel totally crap, just had a good cry and now I don't know what to do - I need to see my GP tomorrow as I'm supposed to be due back to work on Monday.

Anyone experienced this? Xx
Is it SPD you've got hun? I suffered that from 18 weeks and yea it was nasty so really sorry to hear if it is that. PM me if you need anything

Yep basically it's SPD, I'll PM you shadowwolf I'd be interested to see how you tried to cope with it. I'm worried about work and trying to control the pain xx
I have the same hun. I have been referred for physio. It's really horrible. I totally sympathise with you. xxx
i have pelvic pain but mines the other side, the symphysis pubis, which is absolute agony and physio gave me exercises and told me if i dont do them then i could get it too. the babys pushed the right side side out of joint. its horrible, hopefully the gp will help you out. also my physio said theres a belt they can give you to support the pelvis if it gets really bad. you should ask about that? x
Hi hun sorry to jump into tri 2 but I have been signed off of any work for 8 weeks and will more that likely be for the entire pregnancy. I have arthritis and SPD which has come on early because of my arthritis. It is agony and you have my every sympathy. xxxxxx
I've got SPD, too, also had it in my first pregnancy. Totally crap, I agree! What I have learned from last time is that there is not much point in trying to fight it and ignore it (which is my usual coping stratehy for pain), as that just makes it worse. The only way of dealing with it, it seems, is to give in to it and to take things as easy as possible. Not always very feasible at work, but I am too stubborn to go on sick leave, even though I struggle like hell. Hope you are more sensible than me!

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