bad month

tracey 2

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2006
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hi everyone, havent been around much recently not had much internet but thought id better pop on and say hi. :wave:

Been a rough few weeks since my DD it just seems like that is the only thing on my mind and i havent even bothered to do anything, iv put myself in a bad way last week, going to work pretending all was ok and who was i kidding hey!
I thought i was pregnant last month was really late and had symptoms took test after test but all negative went to doc and had bloods done but nothing, i didnt want to put it on here i just couldnt handle everyone wishing me luck and then saying oh well next time then will be better, if that doesnt sound too harsh.

I know it sounds really silly but i have some great friends who i can talk to bout all of this but it just feels that recently i cant if you know what i mean, i cant keep talking about it even though it hurts so much with them anymore, i feel like a record that is on repeat and maybe i am i know i have you guys on here which is great and i dont know what i would do without you guys.

Iv made a doc appointment for tommorrow so hopefuly sort something different out with my medication, i dont feel its doing anything for me so hopefully i can sort that out again.

Anyway thank you guys for listening. :hug: :hug:
So sorry to hear you're not doing too good Tracey, all i can offer you is lots of hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: and to say i am here if you need a chat. You've a long way to go yet so don't try and force yourself into feeling better just for the sake of it. let out the tears as they come xx
Hey Sweety,

Ive been worried about you and hoping you are ok!

Sorry to hear your having a bad time at the moment, its so hard to pick yourself up when your feeling down isnt it. Try not to pretend you are ok even when your not cos it just all comes out in the end.

I know what you mean about your friends and not feeling like you can talk to them cos u feel like a broken record, I feel exactly the same hun and its awful. Of course you are still hurting hun, you have to let it out and talk about it, it will do you good.

Sorry to hear about bfn, you will get yours soon although I know its so hard waiting...

We are all here for u hun, u have my MSN & email address so just give me a shout when you need me. If u wanna shout, scream, moan, cry or just have a chat im here to listen & I hope you know that.

Good luck at the doctors tomorrow, let me know how u go on.
All my love xxxxxx
thinking of you hun :hug: sorry your going through the mill at the moment we are all here for you hun whenever you need us xxxxx
ow hun im sorry ur feeling like that you know im always hear for you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Tracey have you tried councellling.

PS I didnt want to go but tried it and it was worth going to a few sessions.

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