Bad dreams


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2007
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I read that during a pregnancy you may experience bad dreams, well I had 2 last night and they were both, well, not exactly sane.

1 Dream

I suddenly appeared with a mother and father and their 6yr old boy, we were running away from helicoptors that were bombing us, dodging in and out of trees. I screamed at the couple to throw away their tracking devices and head for the trees. At that moment one helicoptor landed, a man got out and killed the parents. I ran and protected this boy, running into a park and climbing ontop on a public toilet roof and staying quiet with this boy. A group of women spotted us and started shouting at us, this point the killer man spotted us and chased us down. I managed to get the little boy on a plane, gave him money and tlel him the bad man has taken everything.

2nd dream

I'd just given birth to my baby boy, he was a very light half cast with normal hair, not afro hair. I was so pleased but friend's of myt husband were saying he don't look like him, he looks like an arab. I looked down and my baby had the head of a dog!

Anyone else having wierd dreams?
haha yes last night i dreamt i was sat in asda and the babys head popped out, followed by the rest of him, which turned out to be a girl! but then the baby went back inside my tummy until me and my mum walked to the midwife just to get checked out!! lol :rotfl:
The other night I dreamt I got stabbed in the leg!
:lol: I tell you when this pregancy is over i'm going to write a book about the dreams I've had, there have been some amazing stories in my dreams, I never realised what a great imagination I had!
It's been every day for the past 2 weeks, bad dreams or weord ones grrrrrr

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