bad day for baby wearing..:( *pics added*


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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I made a new mei tai for lil miss out of silk and cream canvass... Its light and airy designed for the summer weather (looked at getting a solarweave one, but tbh on my wages, its a bit of a luxury... ) so I made one... :roll: Along with a matching sun hat. (theres a dress in the making too ;) but its more of a party thing as its made from silk :) )

its a decent one, well made, I was really proud of myself because I knocked it up in a day or so... but I had so many negative comments about it today that I am going back to my black sling.. :shakehead: they weren't comments about it looking bad... but things like... it will damage the babies legs being wide like that... her legs will get hurt as all the weight is on them saying that they were all marked... (most baby wearers know that the material will leave marks at times the same way the material from your pillow leaves marks on your face in the morning :roll:)... and when I tucked her legs up inside, someone said her legs would hurt as they were all cramped up... :cry: I love carrying lil miss... and she loves being carried... I don't want to put her in a pushchair.. I like my cuddles... I've never had this problem with lil miss in the black ring sling... :(

If anyone has lived in Spain they will know that these are comments coming from random people in the street too... so its really disheartening having people come up and make these comments. :cry:

Do any other baby wearers have this problem :(
I've had comments like it doesn't look very safe (with the ring sling and his mamas and papas 'normal' carrier), are you sure he's not going to fall out, what if you fall over etc, which makes me feel like people are thinking I'm putting him at risk. But at the end of the day I'm doing something we're both benefiting from and enjoying, and I'm not going to let someone else's opinion get in the way of that. Although I'm only expecting it to get worse when my woven wrap arrives, and I start wearing him on my back when he's a bit older.

I'm buying a mei tai (once I save some money) to replace his traditional front carrier because all his weight is being supported on his crotch and it can't be good for his hips or spine. So it might look strange to people but it is said that having their hips wider is healthier and more comfortable - don't let them put you off! I'd love to see a picture of your home made mei tai :)
People just don't have any idea. Like carrying your child on your hip, their legs are wide, or normal carriers. And as for marks, nappies do the same. Especially when sat still for a while, like in a car seat or buggy. So they have no idea what they're on about. If you're happy that's all that matters. If you didn't find them safe you wouldn't wear them would you!!! I can't see you deliberately putting your childs life at risk!
Ugh, I get this. "Isn't that wain going to fall out?" "Isn't it cold" and even once "She doesn't even have a pram for that baby!"

It's their own ignorance. Just ignore them :hug: :hug:
zebrastripes said:
Ugh, I get this. "Isn't that wain going to fall out?" "Isn't it cold" and even once "She doesn't even have a pram for that baby!"

It's their own ignorance. Just ignore them :hug: :hug:
Oooo I forgot... I got the ... isn't she cold today too... er... we live in SPAIN!!! its almost 30º here :shock: You can't get a baby cold here if you tried atm... :roll:
this is my bugbear at the mo. I too get random people stopping me in the street (and I don't live in spain) to make a stupid comment. Everytime I go into my local WHSmiths there is this one assistant who always says tome "you won't be able to carry her much longer" despite seeing me carry Seren when she was a year and a half old. I fell down the stairs and hurt my back quite badly so my MIL pushed Cally round town for me on one occasion, and the assistant came over and said "see I told you you wouldn't be carrying her"

the other week I was in another town and was standing by some crossing lights, when approached by this lady pushing her twins. "ooh you won't be able to carry her much longer", so I explained that you can in these etc, "I couldn't do it, I bought a sling", which I agreed it would be difficult to wear twins but I had seen one woman do it, though didn't know how she managed it, "well I would be worried about falling over", well they're not for everyone and if you not comfy using one then don't. Her parting shot was that it was "old fashioned" which made me laugh ad I commented that being old fashioned worked for us and the wheel was hardly a new invention itself.

Normally I get great comments, telling me how snug she is,or how happy she is being carried but there are a few who feel the need to tell me that she will never be independant if I carry her (must encourage her to walk I guess), how she will be clingy, that it is bad for her hips (read the research you muppet) and that she will be slow to walk (Seren managed it at 12 months).

don'tlet it put you off, your mei tei sounds fab
beanie said:
. Her parting shot was that it was "old fashioned" which made me laugh ad I commented that being old fashioned worked for us and the wheel was hardly a new invention itself.

Oh my that tickled me :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Well ladies as soon as my mei tei is delivered i will let you know what people say - personally i think she will love it as she loves being carried around by mummy :wink:

Q/ can you only wear a baby in a mei tei facing towards you?
I only took my kari me to Tenerife as OH doesn't like my babyhawk but i never got any negative comments, Well not in English anyway :lol:
All the Spanish women kept fussing though and they all felt the need to come and touch and point at me smiling but i just got used to it after a few days :roll:

I always get the clingy comments but i also get them about breastfeeding and co-sleeping apparently I'm making her far too dependent on me :x
Sad thing is... I see so many people carrying their babies around here in their arms... pushing empty pushchairs around :roll: I mean what is the point???? :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Usually I get really positive comments like... she looks so snug and comfortable and happy, because she smiles away and looks around... but it was just yesterday I only got negative so I felt a bit mur... :(

MrsT I wear the mei tai front facing although I'm not sure that it was designed for such. When lil miss stops puking all the time, I will put her on my back but for some strange reason I don't quite fancy baby puke in my hair.. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Squig just ignore them, tell them babywearing is a crazy brit thing!

You and Serena are obvously very happy babywearing - so carry on as normal. Im surprised your taking any notice of negative comments from random people!

Tell them to bugger off and mind their own!
Squiglet said:
but I had so many negative comments about it today that I am going back to my black sling.. :shakehead: they weren't comments about it looking bad... but things like... it will damage the babies legs being wide like that... her legs will get hurt as all the weight is on them saying that they were all marked... (most baby wearers know that the material will leave marks at times the same way the material from your pillow leaves marks on your face in the morning :roll:)... and when I tucked her legs up inside, someone said her legs would hurt as they were all cramped up...

How well does sarcasm work in Spain? I'd respond with "Yes, I'm really lucky my baby is so placid that she doesn't even cry when in pain or discomfort" accompanied by a withering look. But I'm not particularly tolerant of idiots. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Use your pretty sling!
:x :x :x

Ignore tham! Easier said tha done I know but as long as you are both happy sod the ignorant people! :x
You get used to it hun. I still get comments all the time, i just ask them if they have ever tried to use a pushchair in Budapest! I couldnt careless nowadays but it used to get to me a lot. Its just ignorance.

Tell them women have been carrying their babies in MT's, wraps, slings and pods etc all over the world for a millenia and once upon a time pushchairs were weird too. Almost every country in the world can trace back a babywearing history, its not like its something new :roll: My gran carried my dad in a homemade irish carrying cloth because she couldnt afford a pram.

Oooooooh it just makes me so mad that people speak without thinking!
Well this is my mei tai (rare photos of my ugliness :rotfl: get it while you can as I'll be removing them soon.)... I made a matching sun hat... lil miss loves it... we went around the market today with it...and she was no problem... She got really thirsty (it was scorching today :shock: ) and I had forgotten to pack some apple juice for her... but realised that its dead simple to bf'd her in it... :shock: She had a little drink and then came off to have a look around.. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:


Looks really good! I've seen on telly that they're good for BF while doing other stuff. I need to BF Angel in shops sometimes and it's not easy, and i get funny looks!
love it, it looks gorgeous and Serena looks happy in it.
Can i ask where you got the pattern from? Or if anyone would know? I'd love to have a go myself! I wanna do it before she's too big.
You are clever, both sling and hat are lovely. Lil miss is as cute as ever...and get you...'my ugliness'... you're pwetty! :D

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