Bad Day - but baby well.


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2009
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I went to Kings College Hospital for the Nuchal scan. I was booked in again after the baby was too small to do it two weeks. As I posted yesterday I was really excited about the scan as I knew a baby was there and got over the silliness of not believing the pregnancy tests.

When I got there I went for the intial blood test, I let the person know that blood is really difficult to get out of me because my veins are small and difficult to find. I warned him that what has happened in the past is that people try from both the crook of my arms, then my forearms and then my hands. Sometimes they try my feet. I have found that establishing this has been helpful in the last few weeks. However, he didn't really listen and just tried to get blood out of the crook of my arm. No blood came. So he started twiddling it around. In the end he gave up trying from that spot and at this point another person came into the room.

She came to sit with me (I was getting more distressed at being poked and started to cry) and explained the reason for the blood test, I explained again how it's hard to get my blood. This woman was really nice and spent a while looking for a vein, and tying a thing round my hand to get it out of there.

Then another person came into the room. :cry: She immediately judged the situation without talking to me. Asked the doctor number 2 to move away and took the thing off my hand. She told me that to lie down because 'you are scared of needles' and then we can do it. I was trying to explain that I wasn't and that wasn't the issue. She kept on interrupting me. Then my husband stepped in and explained again what was happened. She told me to lie down again. :shakehead: I refused. She then said three times 'I am in charge of this room' and :wall: that she was going to do the blood test. By this point I had composed myself and pointed out that she wasn't going to do the blood test but doctor number 2 was. I also asked her to leave as I didn't feel it was necessary to have 3 doctors in a room watching me have a blood test. She left.

So they eventually got some blood - after 40 minutes of trying and attempted to 'milk the blood' out.

Doctor 3 returned to do the scan, which I was fine with her doing. Baby is healthy and happy but moving loads and then refused to move into the position Doctor number 3 wanted ( I hope my baby was just being instinctively annoying for me :lol: ) Anyway after 40 minutes blood stealing, 1 hour unsuccesful scanning, 1 hour of walking around eating sweet things and then another 30 minutes of scanning I went with Doctor 3 to get the results.

And this is where I got annoyed. Flashed up on the screen about me it said 'very very aggressive patient' :wall: What the fook! Actually what it was is that you came barging in didn't introduce yourself, demanded that I lay down, kept on asserting that I was scared of needles and was generally being a dick. I also don't believe that being tearful is a sign of aggression. :moon:

I pointed the words out to Doctor 3 and she was obviously embarresed, and when she finished talking through the scan results (which is really uber low risk of Down's Syndrome or other chromosomal abnormalities) I asked her to remove it (I am sure she put it on again) and pointed out that being tearful is a sign of upset and emotional is part of pregnancy.

I am quite sad really as I was looking forward to just watching baby dancing on screen, and I felt there was no joy today. But on the plus side the baby is very happy and healthy.
:hug: for you hun, what an ordeal. I would have been just as upset in your situation.

Glad everything is fine with your little one though xxx
urgh. people like doctor number 3 annoy me. i'd have been crying too if they hadn't have listened!!
glad the scan eventually went ok and thatyou're low risk and stuff. :hug:
hope the bruises from the blood tests go soon xx
How bloody rude was that Doctor?!? :shakehead: You did the right thing standing up for yourself - and baby was totally being naughty because the Dr was mean to you - Yay Baby! :clap:

Sorry she runied it for you but remember above everything you saw your wee bean and that he's/she's fine and healthy so sod the Dr and celebrate a sucessful scan! :cheer: :cheer:
Pfff, she sounds like a biatcccccch :lol:

Glad LO is ok though :dance: :hug:
I hate rude doctors that dont listen to you :evil: your not an aggresive patient for getting upset about it, she was probably miffed that you insisted the other doctor take the blood but you are well within your rights to request someone else if you are not comfortable with her, by the sounds of things i would of done the same then made an official complaint against her stinky attitude.

Lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: for you, Glad all is well with bubs though :D
Aww hun have one of these :hug: glad ur LO is alright
some doctors just have NO heart at all
Thanks for all your lovely messages. Spoke to my mum earlier and in the next few days I will write a formal complaint in regards to the Doctor's initial attitude and the subsequent labelling.

I am feeling loads better after reading your lovely messages, a nice swim and a gym session, and moaning to my mates/family too :)
I'll probably be on Gears in a bit if you fancy some random chatter and locust-ness.
LOL that is really massively tempting, but I had a good session last night and I really ought to be getting off my arse and writing my literature review for my PhD (where I actually criticise Doctors and the way they label young people - the irony)
Glad all is well with the baby. Hopefully future appointments with doctors/midwives will be better for you. What a bitch that doctor was!
God, what a stupid cow! How dare she ruin your special extra scan day. Grrrr. Definitely you shoudl complain, that's just not on.
What a complete cow, well done you for standing up to her :hug:

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