Bad Couple of Weeks :-(


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
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Don't know why it suddenly hit me but I'm having a dodgy couple of weeks. I realised last week that I would have been 20 weeks pregnant and hence looking forward to scan. That week hubby was on nights which is always a lonely week for me due to my shift patten but also because I was reminded of my loss. On top of that OV this week and due to shifts can't be sure if we even BD at the right times either. :-(
oh dunno what to say hun, just to offer you loads of :hug: :hug: :hug: and we are all here if you need to let off some steam xx
Thanks Princess. Hope you're keeping ok. :) I know everyone deals with these things differently and I am mostly ok but sometimes get tired of having to put on brave face. xxx
Yes, I'm not too bad thanks hun. I know, I'd be something like 15 weeks now :-( remember saying at what would have been 12 weeks that i'd have been having my first scan.

I think the little milestones will be tough to deal with, as would due dates. It's only natural for the loss to be magnified round these times. Lots of love to you xx
Oh honey, im sorry for you and reading your post has just echoed exactly how I feel today. I would have had my 12 week scan this week and sharing my news with everyone. Its really hard at these times. Also dont know if its the same for you but I seriously feel as though everyone is getting pregnant. People at work, friends, everyone! Spent the weekend with 2 of my pg friends who kept going on about being 'fat'! Just felt like screaming your not fat your pregnant and Im so jealous I will trade places in a second. I know its their hormones too but Im just hurting!

Sorry I have rambled all my feelings to get them out too. Just want you to know your not alone. We will get through it!
Have to agree it appears that EVERYONE round me is getting pregnant. Since I had MC I have knit 3 blankets in Rico Pompon wool, 2 baby cardigans and currently on 3rd all for other people. One thing my experiences have told me tho is I will never announce my pregnancy on facebook cos you don't know who's reading it and what they're feeling at min. I have one friend on there who is due same week I was and every stage of pregnancy gets announced. So close to deleting her as a friend but that would only seem petty.

I'd have been 21 weeks and in my mind next hurdle to get over is due date. It's been whole lot easier if I get BFP before then.

:dust::dust: for us all xxxxx
Yes, it will make matters so much easier to deal with if we are in posession of an extra sticky bean to meet those milestones with :hug: loads of :dust: to you hun xx
Oh and if you are feeling down and want to chat, PM me if you wanna meet up :hug:
Totally argree with the whole facebook thing. I get such a sense of sadness and jealousy every time I read posts about my friends. All things like 'oh sale at the pram centre you know your getting old'. Also scan pictures as their photos. So hard. I hope we all have our beans for the next milestones. Unlikely for me mind you as I cant pin down ov and have been bleeding quite a bit!
I think it took me 41 days after mc to get a cycle back Laura x
These would be milestones are really tough on you, hang in there , sending you lots of baby dust for your TTC
Thanks Princess. Im today at 7 weeks (49 days) since my mc so I feel its time to be back to normal. I bled last Sunday for a few days which would have been in line with my cycle pre mc. I have bled after bd a few times and been a little tender down there. Think if it happens again I wil go to the dr. Feel its been long enough. Worried I may have an infection or something!
Laura I agree with goin to the doctor to get checked out just incase of infection. I know we're all different but 7 weeks sounds like long time to be still having bleeding on and off. Take care of yourself. xxx
hi dawn, sorry you're feeling low, been feeling it myself too, been finding it tough as my sister in law is due in 8 weeks and everyone has been fussing over her lots, including my OH who seems to have just forgotten the pain of MC so easily. I think i am going to stop trying for a while and just try and sort my head out about the whole thing. getting to a point now where i am not coping too well but i will get through this.

sorry am rambling, just hope you doing better than i am hun!!
Hiya Dawn

I do know how you feel hunny, I'm awaiting a visit this morning from a lovely lovely friend who has been through so much (MMC, MC, stillbirth & IVF) who is now 13 weeks.................and desperate to 'include' me in her excitement.

I'm so very very excited for her but I know it will break my heart too.

She is the same age group as us too.

I think that makes it worse.........I can almost hear the clock ticking and want things to hurry up and happen!!!

Big :hug: for you hunny xxxx
you arent alone, this week has been particularly hard for me too, iv been on night shifts which gives me more time to think and am spending mothers day visiting both hubby and my mum and going to see my best freind and her baby, i know mine was due in next couple of weeks and on top of that a freind at work who didnt know about my mc just told me about thiers, i recounted what happened to me back in nov and ggave them a sholder to cry on, this time of year (mothers day) is particularly hard and ppl who havent lost cant understand the way you feel. big hugs xxxx
Weggi was just thinking about you the other day. You've been through so much. Really hope you feel better soon. Feel free to PM anytime. xxx

Cazza, the age thing is always on my mind too. Really hope it all works for us SOON. xxx
I just wanted to send you massive :hugs: hunny and all I can say is it will get easier, i promise.
I would of roughly been due in about 5weeks time and i remember the day of what should of been my 20week scan (21st Dec to be exact) all i wanted to do was cry and thats exactly what I did, christmas was so hard as i wanted to be happy as I was with all my family but I just felt empty. But as new year came around things started to get better, i seen light at the end of the dark tunnel and was able to pick myself back up.
You will never forget but i promise there will be a day when you can look back at what happened without the tears and remember your little angel is playing with all the other little angel babies that were too precious for earth x x
Oh M2A.......what a lovely post........thank you hun xx

Well my lovely friend came yesterday we shared her exciting story, my sad story, there was tears and laughter and in all honesty I can say I feel so much more positive today!

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