
Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
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Ok so today i saw something that made me want to run away with a little bonde boy !!!
Me and MIL( well OH's mum) went to aldi and we were just puling in when we saw these 2 women in a convertible, one holding a naked abouttt 2 year old on her lap in the front ( no seatbelt on her and baby) and a little girl not much older in the back not strapped in, anyway they were going the wrong way round the carpark, so i said to MIL, said shes doing a britney, shall we try n signal her and let her know shes going the wrong way or ? best not to distract her.

Anyway next thing we knew shed driven past us ( one way going our way so wrong direction in a very narrow space between cars ) and parked in the DISABLED PARKING SPACES, yep two, parked diagonally across the two spaces closest to the shop !!

So we parked up, walked past the car into Aldi, went wandering around looking for compost ( dont ask ) then the little boy comes upto me and i notice hes absolutely naked, no shoes, nappy, nothing, in a shop full of people, with his mum nowhere insight. I ask him where his mum is, and he runs off, so i follow him around the corner to make sure he doesnt run into some scary old man or something but hes quite fast for a little guy, and by the time i find him hes .......

WEEING all on the floor and up the sugar/flour ( you know in aldi they have the crate on the floor with everything stacked up on it ), so i say Hey what you upto, dont do that little man, and he just looks at me and runs away, all through his wee, by which time his mums at the top of the aisle and looking at me a bit funny, obviously sees the wee but just shouts at him * come here were going * !!!

Find MIL and tell her, steer clear of the flour because . . . . . . composts down there, going to find someone to clean it up, can u just make sure no1 walks through it, but as i show her where it is, the group had obviously come down the isle with the trolley and 2 kids and theres a big trolley track and footprints leading to the bottom, and then the trolleys been left with a few bits in and we can see them getting into the car through the window !!!!

MIL says the woman was looking at the garden stuff while she was getin compost and had just walked around eating things, given the little girl a drink and crisps to eat, put the empty wrappers down and stalked off ( which is when she must have got the little boy and left i suppose).

So eventually i found someone who had to clean it all up and i said we'd seen them shoplifting/eating stuff as they went around, he said theres nothing we can do now there gone, we get gypsies in here all the time just recently, and because they move all over the place theres nopoint in reporting them for parking in disabled as theres no address to send fines or anything to !!

But he had to get rid of loads and loads and loads of stuff on the aisle and corden it all, id think about £300s worth of stuff and this is Aldi !!!!

Anyway the point is ive never seen anything like it, and i soo wish i had of been able to do something to stop that poor little boy having to go home with those irresponsible idiots, poor poor little guy !!
Oh that horrible!! :( It breaks my heart when I see things like that!
that's unbelievable
what is it that makes people act like that? hatred for society?
Just checked on me thread and jesus did i write alot, i think i was just that appauled i didnt want to leave anything out.
Blatent disregard for everything i assume, disabled people, general public, themselves and their kids traipsing through the wee, aldi man having to clear it up and chuck everything out, id have reported them if i knew how and who to but what can you do ?!?!
Stuff like that makes me want to can anybody let their child walk around naked? Especially in the hot weather we had yesterday!! Or not strap them in!! Can't the store check CCTV or something and try and get their number plate and report to the police? Surely something can be done..gypsies or not :wall:
:shock: Disgraceful, I feel sorry for the children. Being brought up to completely disrespect everything not to mention being neglected. I cannot even begin to imagine a situation where I would take my LO out of the house naked :?
Grr I hate gypsies, well only the ones round here!! They get away with anything cause the police are too scared to touch them here, a guy I knew got killed by one 2yrs back (you don't mess with them because they honestly don't care) and the police told his Mum that there's nothing they can do :(

That poor lil boy :( , it makes you wonder why they have children if they don't care. :x
Could their license plate number not be traced either? The police are reluctant to do anything with gypies because they are very dangerous and can't be messed with :evil: Those poor kids, it breaks your heart :cry:
ShineyHappyPeople said:
The police are reluctant to do anything with gypies because they are very dangerous and can't be messed with :evil:

this is what pisses me off about this country... the police are SUPPOSED to deal with these things :shakehead: Nobody should be above the law...I don't care who or what they are.

someone should be sorting situations like this out and making sure that little boy and his siblings are cared for in a proper and correct manner.
:shock: That is disgusting behaviour if i saw something like that id be shocked to!

those poor kids :hug: growing up with no respect for others or property :shakehead: and been left to wander naked i really do not understand why these people have children and why they think they can behave in such an anti social way

:x :? :? :? :?

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