back to work

rainbow dancer

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2010
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well the time has come and im back to work tommorow!!! feeling a little nervous and will be a bit upset to leave lucy but have had a great 7 months off with her, just makes the weekends and days off more special, any tips to make it a bit easier would be appreciated. she is going to her grandmas house so not concerned in that respect ju8st dont know how im gonna get us all sorted for me to start work at 8!!! xx ill find a way though lol xx
Good luck! I was so nervous when I went back to work but I soon got back into the swing of things and actually enjoy going to work now as I can be me and not mummy. x x
get all the bags packed the night before, and put your and LOs clothes out so that getting dressed is as stress free as possible. When I first went back I used to lay the table for breakfast and everything, Im not so OCD now, but things went really smoothly. By far the best thing is trying to get yourself dressed and hair and makeup done before you wake LO up, everything takes 5 times longer when theyre awake :roll:

Good luck!!! x
Hope it goes well for you Hun xx
Organisation is definitely the key :) I start work at 7 :/ and I get up at 5:45, kettle on, get dressed, feed Isla and put her back to bed, make coffee, then make mine and DH lunch, get in car at 6:40ish.

It goes a bit pearshaped if Isla won't go back to bed lol x

Thanks ladies I've got all the stuff laid out and bags packed so will get up 6 ish shower and dressed then Lucy should be awake by then then time to sort her out!! Thanks for all the advise ladies xxx
Good luck, you'll enjoy it once you get into the swing of it :yay:
i go back tomorrow tooo ! starting off with a nice 12 hour shift to ease me back in ! lol ! ive got to drop LO off at my mums about half 6 bt hoping he will stay asleep and wont need feeding b4 i drop him off. plan is to get ready quickly and quietly and then get LO in car in his sleepsuit and drop him off and then be at work for 7 ! xx
all bags r packed n food for tomorrow for both of us is all organised. ahhhhh im sooooo scared. dont want to leave him AT ALL xx
Hope you get on ok! Same as above I get bab stuff ready night before! Also get up bit before LO so I can get ready then wake LO last min and I take to mums in pjs! Also easier if they have some things to keep at their house bibs toys toothbrush paste sponge talc nappies etc xx

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