Back to back?


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2010
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Had an antenatal appointment yesterday with a midwife present for once! Usually its just my gp and local health visitor. Anyway the midwife said the baby is in a very awkward position as his or her spine is pressing against mine (which explains the very bad back ache im having). My gp said i should try my best to get the baby to move to make the labour alot easier :shock:, I was already very nervous about labour but he has made it worse. The midwife said I should get down on all fours for at least an hour a day, and just be as mobile as possible.

Has anyone else experienced this or know anything I can do to make the baby move?

My GP also doesn't want to see me back again for another fortnight, should I not be going every week by now?
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i think they have recently changed the frequency of the antenatal appts, coz i only see mine every fortnight too and it was every week with my son by this stage.

you will probably have read all the horror stories about back labours and i cant lie, it is painful, but i cant compare it to a normal birth...only labour ive been through was a back one.

i tried many different things, which did shift baby a bit, but he still wasnt right by the time labour started. that does not mean they will not work for you or that you will end up having a back labour at all. they could work a charm or bubs might shift themself.

1. particular hand stands in water :lol: i took my mum with me to hold me up and it was hard to achieve

2. all fours for long periods of time...this is supposed to be really good

3. Birthing Ball.

4. Relax. what will be will be.

if baby cant/wont turn there is nothing you can do about it other than sit down and have a good talk with the midwife about your birth plan and what pain relief you are going to go for.

i wanted minimal pain relief so i could get home quicker but i have changed my mind for this time round...if you are going to have a back labour i would strongly advise co-operating fully with your midwives and accepting the pain relief they offer. i.e. if the ask you do you want an epidural, have a good think about it. they are offering it because the end is in sight, but it might be a while longer and you do not need to put up with the discomfort.

the other thing i did religiously was lie on my left side. this is meant to encourage baby into the right position for birth.

Babies can turn at the last moments before delivery...i know it seems unlikely, but there is still time for baby to turn, and the chances are he/she will. it is more uncomfortable for him/her to be born back to back too.

I hope everything goes ok for you. try not to read too much into things, your labour could end up being totally different to what you expect, in a good way.

Take care xxx
I won't lie, it hurts, maybe a little more than a non back to back 2 back baby, but it hurts in different places. And it really hurts in your bum. And I felt him turn, just before he came out - I remember shouting "I can feel the shape of his face in my fanny" lol and apparently due to babies position back to back, the head doesn't put pressure on the cervix so much to dilate. But I was induced anyway and it was all over so quickly and looking back It wasn't that bad really... I only had gas and air and if I can do it anyone can lol x

Every one is different, your baby may turn before labour x
Thanks very much for the replys it has helped put my mind at ease i really dont want an epidural this time as i had one last time and it didnt work but i will try everything yous said.
My baby was back to back but didn't know till she was born, i had such a quick birth with a tiny bit of gas an air, it did hurt alot but dont worry to much hun. x
My bubs is back to back at the moment!! Hoping he turns and stays put! Will see in the scan tomorrow if all my leaning forward has moved him xx
Thanks very much for the replys it has helped put my mind at ease i really dont want an epidural this time as i had one last time and it didnt work but i will try everything yous said.

I didnt want epidural and refused with my son, but thinking i might go for it this time. Midwife says i may not get time tho!!!

I suppose just because it is a back labour doesnt mean that it will definately be long and protracted...
Thanks very much for the replys it has helped put my mind at ease i really dont want an epidural this time as i had one last time and it didnt work but i will try everything yous said.

I didnt want epidural and refused with my son, but thinking i might go for it this time. Midwife says i may not get time tho!!!

I suppose just because it is a back labour doesnt mean that it will definately be long and protracted...

I just didnt want an epidural this time as it only made my right leg numb and i didnt like being stuck to the bed but i know alot of ppl who have had one and it worked for them 100% so if things got really hard i think i prob would consider it again lol.

Is your baby's head engaged then?
Thanks very much for the replys it has helped put my mind at ease i really dont want an epidural this time as i had one last time and it didnt work but i will try everything yous said.

I didnt want epidural and refused with my son, but thinking i might go for it this time. Midwife says i may not get time tho!!!

I suppose just because it is a back labour doesnt mean that it will definately be long and protracted...

I just didnt want an epidural this time as it only made my right leg numb and i didnt like being stuck to the bed but i know alot of ppl who have had one and it worked for them 100% so if things got really hard i think i prob would consider it again lol.

Is your baby's head engaged then?

we find out tomorrow at appt. he's been head down for weeks and no one saying much about back to back this time...
My bubs is back to back at the moment!! Hoping he turns and stays put! Will see in the scan tomorrow if all my leaning forward has moved him xx

How did you get on at your scan then??

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