Back to back?


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2007
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Had my 31 week antenatal this morning and everything is looking good, baby healthy and happy. The MW said that baby is already in the head down position but she's "back to back", meaning her back is facing my back. The MW said it would be more ideal if her back was facing away from mine, as otherwise it can make labor longer. I've been told to try and sit forward more and do things like swimming, to encourage her to turn! We'll find out if it's worked at my 34 week appointment.

Anyone else have a baby which was laying like this? I bet she won't switch positions now, I think she's got herself comfortable! Oops! :lol: At least she's head down! :lol:

My son was in the ideal position for birth and was never back to back - this one's obviously going to be more awkward :lol: :lol:
Don't worry! There's still time to turn. Spending time on all fours and rocking on a birth ball is supposed to be good for this too :hug: :hug:
Ditto what muppetmummy said

Go on all fours a few times a day, rock back and forth etc. I used to spent about 20 minutes 3-4 times a day on all fours when my LO was back to back. Gravity should kick in. Also a birth ball is good.

And yup, no slouching back anymore. Sit tilting forward with your hips higher than your knees to encrouage LO round. So a cushion behind you or something on the sofa. If you lean back or slouch it allows LO to follow your natural curve there and go back to back.
my little man was back to back the went on my left side for weeks then last week he desided to turn back to back again but has turned back to my left side yesterday so you have plenty of time to turn the baby yet :)
manda xx
Thanks everyone - I'll try and do all those things and hopefully she'll shift round!
i have been trying to shift my baby as she is back to back but can't tell if I have moved her as my tum is still quite squishy and a mass of arms and legs, I have been doing the all fours things...
hope we can both move our bubx
Ginnymarie said:
i have been trying to shift my baby as she is back to back but can't tell if I have moved her as my tum is still quite squishy and a mass of arms and legs, I have been doing the all fours things...
hope we can both move our bubx

I won't be able to tell if my efforts to shift her work either! I have no idea which bits are what! I'll have to wait for my 34 week appointment when hopefully they'll tell me she's moved round! If not, what else can be done?! :think: Over the next 3 weeks, I'll make sure I sit with knees lower than hips as Sherlock said, as well as be on all fours for a period of time each day and the rest is in the hands of the gods! :lol:

Good luck moving your bubs around :hug:
More often than not baby will turn themselves, at 31 weeks your LO still has room to move around fairly easily.

But giving them some help and trying to then keep them in the right position won't hurt at all. You could end up with nasty back ache also if they remain back to back, so its worth having a go at encouraging a better position.

Good luck :)
Hi, i'm 30 weeks and my baby is back to back and head up :shock: , but the consultant said there is still LOADS of time for baby to move, and may move a good 2 or 3 times yet, so i wouldn't be too concerned if i were you.
My little monkey ahs spent most of the fist half head up and this last half back to back
My midwife it not at all concerned she said he could stay back to back until the last minute then flipover in labour.

list of things to try
you know the gym ball and all fours rocking

also try playing classical music honset it does work well it did for me collier loves to bop an move to baby einstine

for me i pull the shower head down low get down on all fours and let the water pummel my back its blissful 8) ans yes i still manage to get back up again

and good back massage works a treat

my Anti -Natal lady said walking up and down the stairs sideways moves the baby

sucking on ice cubes also moves my collier

and when the pain is beyond hell i use a hot water bottle on my back i dont boil it to full heat as im worried about the heat but the warmth from the bottle helps sooth Collier and i finaly get some relife when all the above has not worked.

Collier is now head down but still back to back im not to worried as he still moves round alot and im sure your baby wil turn when the time is right too.

sarah :wave:
geordie lass said:
My little monkey ahs spent most of the fist half head up and this last half back to back
My midwife it not at all concerned she said he could stay back to back until the last minute then flipover in labour.

list of things to try
you know the gym ball and all fours rocking

also try playing classical music honset it does work well it did for me collier loves to bop an move to baby einstine

for me i pull the shower head down low get down on all fours and let the water pummel my back its blissful 8) ans yes i still manage to get back up again

and good back massage works a treat

my Anti -Natal lady said walking up and down the stairs sideways moves the baby

sucking on ice cubes also moves my collier

and when the pain is beyond hell i use a hot water bottle on my back i dont boil it to full heat as im worried about the heat but the warmth from the bottle helps sooth Collier and i finaly get some relife when all the above has not worked.

Collier is now head down but still back to back im not to worried as he still moves round alot and im sure your baby wil turn when the time is right too.

sarah :wave:

Thanks for all your advice, I will defo try all of those tricks to get baby to shift! There's still time, so hopefully baby is not adverse to change :lol:

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