Back to back?


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2007
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Been to hospital today and been told baby has moved and is now back to back. Noooooo!!!!

I know i probably have a few weeks for her to move, but anyone else had this and had baby move? Or had labour with this?

Am trying to lean forward and be upright as much as possible. Apparently it's our reclining culture that causes it!
Logan was back to back :).. labour hurt alot more than the first time, but then again i didn't have as much pain relief this time, and it only lasted 5 hours x
Yeah Oscar was back to back and i was in labour 15 hours spent 2 hours pushing and he wouldn't move any further and ended up having an emergency c section, sorry.

you never know Lo may move or you may end up having an easier time than me
My wee one turned back to back during labour, was in labour for 12 hours and had an hour of pushing, I dont have any previous pregnancys/labours 2 compare it 2, but pain was managed on morphine and gas nad air. I have heard leaning forward and kneeling on all fours can help them turn :hug:
KateQPR said:
Been to hospital today and been told baby has moved and is now back to back. Noooooo!!!!

I was told the same thing by my MW last Thurs :(

She told me to sit the wrong way on chairs (fame stylee!) and lean over the back rest as much as possible or kneel on all fours laying over my birthing ball.

Dreading that babba stays back to back. Fingers crossed they move hey :pray: :hug:
both of mine were back to back.
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Search "spinning babies" on google and there is a site that gives you tips on getting baby in a good position, it is american but its ok :)
My little princess had been back to back all the way through.

Went to a birthing class thing and they explained back to back and the effects it has and how to prevent it.

Ive been on all 4's as much as poss, leaning forward on the ball etc and she has now turned :) We were told by MW that the best time to lean forward and get on all 4's or lean forward is when bubs is having a wriggle :)

ALSO she said to lay on your front in the bath - water takes the weight and baby tends to move lol xx
gate crashing here, but my second was back to back, each contraction was pushing him into my spine not down and out so to speak, ended up with emergency c section. :(
JayK2387 said:
ALSO she said to lay on your front in the bath - water takes the weight and baby tends to move lol xx

I do this anyway, cos I miss lying on my front soooo much!

My second baby was back to back when I went into labour with her but turned during the labour. I was in the birthing pool and I think the fact that I was able to move around freely and have my weight supported meant it was easier for her to turn. My labour was 4.5 hours and I managed with gas and air in the water.

Maybe going swimming would help? In any case, it certainly is good exercise for you at this point and the feeling of weightlessness is so lovely at this stage!

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