Back Pain Anyone?


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2005
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Ever since having Becks, I keep wakening up in the morning in agony with my back. It's really sore and stiff. (I used to be fit and healthy b4 pregnancy! :roll: )

My HV said it could be the 13 attempts it took to get the epidural needle in my back and that I should go 2 the Dr.

Anyone else who had an epidural suffer from back pain?
13 attempts?????????? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Are you sure it wasn't acupuncture? Lol!!!
Sorry :oops: , I am trying to joke here but this is appalling! This is exactly why I did not want an epidural and thank God everyday that I managed the pain without one!
I would definitely get it checked! It is not normal, I don't think!
was suffering from quite severe back problem b4 pregnancy and I am still now, so I send you loads od hugs! <<<hugs>>>

Mel xx
Hi girls,
I too am having extreme back ache but not from having an epidural. Ever since having Ruby my back is terrible, sometimes I get this feeling of pins and needles in the right lower back, its a really weird feeling, like water suddenly rushing in. And then if Id had a busy day or been carrying Ruby around lots the top of my back kills.
Its really odd as I dont remember having this trouble with Josh. Wish it would go away, my hubby got a massage lady to come to the house to see if that would sort it out but it just numbed it for a couple of days.
Ah well Im sure it'll go away in time just wish it would hurry up.
Rooander that sounds like your satagatic nerve i suffered with that when i was pregant all during it and for a couple of months after wards, It does go away you just have to be careful with your back, i got told by a back doctor that i was to keep every thing toned up because its because the nerve has been lossen with beening pregant.

Kx i don't know what to suggest i'm sorry other then go the doctors and see what they say because it does sound normal.
LOL melhoney! Yeah you would think it was accupuncture, my back was left looking like a pin cushion and badly bruised. Everyone who seen it were horrified at the mess of it! But it was the best thing once they got it in!! Worst thing is tho, is she was a recently qualified anaesthetist who done it- bloody needs more training if u ask me. Complained to HV and she said that there were a lot of complaints about her been filed, and she had only been there a couple of months.

Don't you just have so much faith in our National Health Service! :roll:
Thats terrible Kx if you remember the name of the women who did the eperduial you can write a letter to the head office of the department, and write a complaint about her.
Rooander I wonder if Iv had the same feeling as you, it sort of creeps across the right hand side of my back a strange feeling to describe kind of like pins and needles and when Iv been carrying ella around (or ironing) I get a horrible pain in my left sholdur!

I also get back ache in the morning KX Its always when I wake up then sit up on the bed to change ella's nappy its a really dull ache in the lower of my back. I did not have an epidural though. think its just apost pregnancy thing, but go to the docs and get it checked out
Yes Lauz totally, its definately a weird feeling to describe, especially if I change bubbas bottom at an awkward angle then the pain comes and stays in my lower left side. Well its not a pain as such but you know what I mean.
All the joys of childbirth eh?


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