Back on the pill??


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2011
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Evening all,

I am off on holiday at the end of august, my af will be due the day or day after I go away, I hate getting af and I get really poorly sometimes sick, and very heavy - hense why I was on the mini pill, no af breaks.

I was thinking of ttc in my firtile week in a few weeks and if I come on af at the end of July I might go back on the pill for a month to prevent af while I'm on holiday.

To be honest af would totally ruin my holiday and I would rather not go!

Any ideas?

Pops x
If you go to the docs they can give you something to delay your period without interfering with ttc. I went away a couple of weeks ago and was due af on my 2nd day but in the end it didn't come until my last day so I was glad I didn't interfere with it. If you take the pill again it may disrupt your cycle. Hope his helps!
Thanks for your reply. What is this pill called? I def don't want to ruin my ttc chances!! How would I know when my fertile week is after taking this pill would I work it out when I would have my delayed period? Thanks for your help x
I'm not sure on any of your questions to be honest as I've never actually taken it myself. My friends have though. It's best to see the doctors as they will give you the best advice. Xx

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