Back on the Angus Castus

Lulla Bell

Well-Known Member
May 19, 2016
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Hey Laides, Ive been away for a little while, My body has been pretty nasty to me by giving me a bleed every 14 days for the last 3 months, So I've been trying not to think about TCC Just yet, as I'm either not ovulating or I am but the little bugger isn't getting a chance to do its thing!
I remembered when I can off the Depo I tried Angus Castus to get my cycles going and within 3 weeks I had ovulated so I'm hoping it'll be the same again this time!
Ive had such a positive results with it before.. It could very well be my answer :D
Has anyone else used it and had good results ?
Im also on B6, and pregancare conceive to try and get my progesterone up :D FX
Hi Lulla,

I havent had any experience with angus cactus but wished i had of used it to kick start myself after the depo.

Good luck and hope it works for you xx
Very well thank you.
Its my last night shift tonight so i am full of smiles lol :)
Got a great positive on OPK today so hopefully BD from tomz morning will work some magic xx
Ooooh Good luck!! Nights suck So I feel your joy!
Have fun and lots of BD ;) xx
Yeh my nights have been horrible this week so will be doing a little dance when i walk out of work lol!! Roll on 0730!

Thank you Lulla.

Hae you tried Soy by any chance, this is the 2nd try of me taking it xx
Lol I looked into it, But It really confused me haha! I didn't understand how much to take, So I just closed the laptop and forgot about it! Ill get my head round it one day.... I hope! lol xx
See how you go with angus cactus and if you wana try soy let me know and will help as much as i can with questions etc xx
I used to get them every cycle but I haven't since I've been getting them every 14 days! I really hope this is a sign that the tablets are working :D
I started having twinges so i decided to do my last OPK and this is the darkest its been in months! This is with a random evening pee after a few pints of water!


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Angus Castus WOOOO HOOOOO!
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We dtd this morning , But Ill be dragging him to bed later too! Thhhaaannnkkksss How exiting :D

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