back from the consultants..


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2011
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If my little lady hasn't made an appearance before my due date I am being induced on that date so no matter what in jus over 2 weeks I'm gonna have my little girl!!!

I'm going to try everything to get myself going though I really don't want to be induced!

Top tips!?


lots and lots of: Bouncing, sex (including plenty of big O's for you ;) ), RLT, evening primrose oil (orally and foof), clary sage oil, long walks uuuummmm....... :shock: dunno what else
oh so exciting at least you know when she will arrive by x x lets hope she arrives before x x

try everything princess says x x x
Not long then! I swam lots the week Kynon was born not sure if that contributed but its good for you! C
pringle why you being induced babe? I just wondered coz Ive got consultant appointment tomorrow as last time I had c section and they dont like you going over time having had that previously...I realoy want to be induced now Im getting really fed up but it wasnt suggested and I wasnt concerned as it was so early in my pregnancy when I saw the consultant that I didnt give it any thought at the time
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Oooh Good Luck :D as Princess says...plenty of nookie! Hehe xx
The induction would prob be ok if they use the new type of pessary. Cant remember what it's called but NCT teacher said our local hospital uses the new type. Apparently they pop it in and then you go home. About 3-4 hours later contractions hopefully kick in and they let you stay at home and come in when ready like you would if you'd started naturally - has about an 80% sucess chance of starting you off too!!
Worth asking your midwife which one they use :thumbup:
Seeeeeeex!!!! Lol at least ur not being induced early.. Will it be on ur actual due date??
thanks for the tips ladies! me and the babys dad arent together anymore so going to have to try everything else but nooky!!

i'm being induced because ive had high bp throughout my pregnancy and am on the verge of developing pre eclampsia, they dont want to risk me going over and it getting out of control.

I'm going to be induced on my actual due date and will be given bp medication on the day and an anti fit injection incase my bp rockets... consultant reckons if my body rejects the induction its likely ill be sent for a section rather than stress my body out any more and risk my bp getting any higher but i think its a see what happens on the day situation!

Bummer about the sex. U could go drag someone in off the street to assist? :rofl: x
Sorry I forgot u and oh split (foot in mouth :wall: )

That's kinda cool they will induce u on ur due date.. :)
Hopefully it won't result in a section but whatever is best for you both :hug:

Hopefully you'll have her naturally before your due date.. Good luck hun!!

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