Back From Scan!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
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Jus got home from my scan, had to wait ages in the waiting room so long i had to go to the toilet as i felt like my bladder was going to burst!!
Were Team..............

BLUE!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Sonograper found baby's sex very easily and she said baby was posing nicely with legs open to show off his testicles and willy lol, we couldnt be happier, i was really hoping for a boy and OH's chuffed to bits too!! Also we got our pics for free as we had to wait for so long!! :cheer: x
:lol: I'm so happy for you- your OH can have his mini-me now after all!!!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thank you all!!! I feel sooo happy to be having a lil boy :D
Lol funny u said tht Jade cos weve seen a lil outfit really similar to what my OH wears they'd look so cute both matching!! I really havent stopped smiling since we found out its a boy lol, my mum thought i was having a girl so wen i showed her the scan pic i asked what she thought it was and she said whats this its face and nose and i said yeah its HIS nose! Whoops kind of ruined the guessing for her! :lol: xx
congrats on joining team blue along with me.

When we had our scan he was so reluctant to show us his 'bits'. When we finally saw them the sonographer laughed and said he then put his hands up too his face like he was embarassed, really funny.
Aww glad he co-operated!! Bless him :D

Congrats on team blue!! :cheer: xx
:dance: congrats on joining team blue and im glad your scan went well. xx
Great to hear all's well with baby MissyRee :cheer: :hug: :cheer:
& Congratulations on joining Team Blue, very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks everyone!! :hug: I gotta say i love this forum, every1s just great on here :cheer: Now all i need to do is work out how to put 1 of those blinkies in my sig saying expecting a boy, if any1 know's how id really appreciate it as i seem to be having trouble with my pregnancy brain :lol: xx
Yay :cheer: I'm so glad your scan went well, congratulations on you little boy! :cheer: :cheer: :hug:

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