My scan today

Congrats :dance:

Does it feel funny knowing your having a boy when you thought it was a girl?
Does it feel funny knowing your having a boy when you thought it was a girl?

Absolutely. I told everyone I was having a girl from instinct. I should have known better. My DH is one of 3 boys and his dad is one of 4 boys but all the Chinese gender charts I did online (and I did about 20 of them :wink: ) said girl and loads of people said 'girl' but mostly I just thought I was having a girl. Yesterday before we went into the scan room I asked my DH once more what he thought we were having and he nonchalantly said "its a boy of course". He was so right and always is.

Am so happy though!

Thanks everyone for all your congrats! :hug:
Dinski said:
Does it feel funny knowing your having a boy when you thought it was a girl?

Absolutely. I told everyone I was having a girl from instinct. I should have known better. My DH is one of 3 boys and his dad is one of 4 boys but all the Chinese gender charts I did online (and I did about 20 of them :wink: ) said girl and loads of people said 'girl' but mostly I just thought I was having a girl. Yesterday before we went into the scan room I asked my DH once more what he thought we were having and he nonchalantly said "its a boy of course". He was so right and always is.

I was the same but the opposite way round - I was convinced it was a boy thats what my gut instinct was!!! DF was certain it was girl - I told him it was just his once in a lifetime turn to be right :cheer:

Felt strange at first as I was so adamant it was a boy - I wouldn't change her for the world though - our little princess :hug: :cheer:

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