
Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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ok well he's still transverse breech so i was very dissapointed to hear that :cry:
But then they said that they woud admit me on Friday to have my baby!! WTF!!!! i thought i miss heard so asked them to repeat themselves (and gripped hard to chair) apparently carrying a transverse very late on can cause my waters to break very early and then the contractions would be trying to push baby down causing him to go into distress cos on his side he simply wouldnt be able to move. So they want to have me in ready incase my waters were to go which i have to look out for. So i asked when they would do the section and they said as long as theres no other emergencys and baby seems happy they wouldnt wait! so OMG I COULD HAVE MY BABY NEXT FRIDAY!!!!! i asked what the chances are of him turning before then and its incredibly slim but not impossible, if he does turn obviously i wouldnt have the section and would go home, they wil be doing a quick scan on Friday before doing anything. I dont know how much sence im making here just trying to give you all the information.
So i will go in on Friday the 5th and will be taking my labour bags with me, but because baby is kind of sitting on top of the bag of water, its not unlikely that my waters will break before then.
Sorry for jumpin the queue everyone. I will be 36+6 (ticker is a day wrong)

I dont know how i digest this sort of information :shock: :shock:
have your phone charged up Morganuk :D :lol:
Good luck! be brave and enjoy being a queue jumper! :hug:
Yes they kept me in from 37 weeks and I had a c-section at 38 as they said it could be dangerous had my waters gone.
Well good thing is you know they are looking out for you and you'll get to meet baby soon :cheer:

My phone is ready hun :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Oh gosh! I hope they dont keep you in too long before your able to have babs!
:think: So its not this Friday hun? lol sorry I just re-read and its the 5th which is next Friday yes?
Oh this is exciting!! :D :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
WOW what a bombshell and not surprised you were shocked.......just think though just a few more days and you get to meet your little man....thats so exciting! :cheer:
yea its on the 5th, so 9 days away :shock: :shock: :dance:

I dont know what to do with myself, i just keep walking around in little circles!!
I just thought i'd be pregnant for the rest of my life i never imagined there would be a time where a baby could come out. AN ACTUAL BABY!! i am such a freak lol! i thought i had 5-7weeks left though which is a long time so to go from that to 9 days is difficult to comprehend!!
Arghhhhhhhh scary stuff bet your well excited to have a date though. :hug:
Oh wow Keelie a bit of a shock for you! Good luck :hug:
Have you stopped walking round in circles hun :lol:
Less then a week now :cheer: :cheer:
yea i have now thanks lol. It doesnt quite seem real yet though im just stressing about everything to get it done. i have done soooo much non bio over this weekend its ridiculous! I hope you'll all be sat at your comps on Friday waiting for my updates :lol:
I just know that now i've said all this and got so excited the baby will have turned and they'll tell me to go home and wait for natural labour to start. i dont want a section but i do want my baby on friday!! :D
OMG, good luck honey. It must be nice to have a date in mind for meeting your LO

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