Back from my 34 week MW app + question!


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Hello girlies!

Had my appointment today, my bloods are fine, urine is clear, bloodpressure is fine, I measure 34 cm just as I should as I am 34 weeks. The only bad thing is that I have now been given iron tablets. Apparently my HB has dropped. It was 11.6 before which was a little low and now it has gone down to 10.5 so I need to start taking those.

I did have a question though. I might be stupid, I never looked in that box in my mat notes before. Above the box it says Fifths above Brim and today she has written 4/5 there. What does that mean? :doh:

Thank you! :roll: x
Baby is heading down hun!!! :cheer: Your 1/5th engaged!!! :cheer: :cheer:
Oo, yay, thanks Lea for enlightening me! Whoopidoo! :cheer: :cheer: x
Yeah it means that 4/5 of the head is above the brim of your pelvis :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I had my 34 week appointment today too and my baby is still 'free' so not even a little bit engaged, and I'm measuring 36 weeks so will have to go for a growth scan after my next appointment if it's still big then :(
Good boy my boy :dance: Last time I had my app, she had written 'free' there but now it's 4/5, never realsied to ask her, stupid me, but fortunately I've got you ladies! :cheer:

I did read your story about your app today Chrissy but as i was about to reply my internet disappeared. So sorry to hear you have a rather horrible MW. I love mine, sh'es an absolute godsend. And she had a student MW there as well today, just like yours, haha. Well if you're 34 then 36 should still be within the limits? My MW said that there's nothing to worry about if it's +/- 2 cm.

Hope it all goes well for you and that you will get your home birth! And the other nice MW :pray: :hug:
Glad all went well hun! Yeah 4/5ths is sitting on the brim of your pelvis!! As soon as Evie was 4/5ths, she started heading down even more every couple of days!

Great sign that little dude is moving down! :cheer: xx

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