Back from midwife appointment


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2011
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I'm so pleased! We're both healthy, blood tests OK, no sign of anything worrying. I'm not even anaemic, which I have been pretty much all my life.

MW warned me it could prove difficult to find baby's heartbeat with the Doppler due to position, but as soon as she started we were almost deafened by it. It was so sweet, hearing it for the first time ^^

Also, which is quite interesting, I was moaning away that whatever happened I didn't want OH to be sent home and to be left alone in the hospital, and she said there was a mw-run delivery suite within the hospital which they try and make as much like a home birth as possible, and definitely no men sent home! I was so relieved to hear that, you have no idea!!

My day is off to a good start :love:
Fantastic! Glad all is going well! I had my second child at a midwife led unit, was so much nicer than the delivery suite where I had my first! Will definitely go for that option again as long as my pregnancy remains low risk!
Woohoo for letting OH stay we haveto pay for a private room so OH can stay

Fantastic! Glad all is going well! I had my second child at a midwife led unit, was so much nicer than the delivery suite where I had my first! Will definitely go for that option again as long as my pregnancy remains low risk!
Sounds fab! :flower: Would love to know more, how was it different to your first?
I never know how to react when I hear the heartbeat as I have a doppler so can hear it when I want. I think the midwife looks at you expectantly like you should be in awe or something. I just go 'ahh sweet' lol!
Sounds fab! :flower: Would love to know more, how was it different to your first?

The whole atmosphere was really calm and relaxed, which helped me to stay calm as well, whereas on the delivery suite everything was very hectic and stressful. Also, on the delivery suite I was left on my own for hours on end, because the poor midwife was looking after 3 women at once, whereas on the midwife led unit the midwife stayed with me pretty much the whole time. Also, on the midwife led unit I got to use the pool (and ended up with a waterbirth), which was really great for pain relief; they didn't have that option at the delivery suite where I had my first baby, although I believe they do offer that in some units. And last but but not least, the room in the delivery suite was very clinical and hospital like, whereas the room in the midwife led unit was much more like a hotel room and really comfortable, with a bed for my husband there as well. All in all a much nicer experience!
Sounds fab! :flower: Would love to know more, how was it different to your first?

The whole atmosphere was really calm and relaxed, which helped me to stay calm as well, whereas on the delivery suite everything was very hectic and stressful. Also, on the delivery suite I was left on my own for hours on end, because the poor midwife was looking after 3 women at once, whereas on the midwife led unit the midwife stayed with me pretty much the whole time. Also, on the midwife led unit I got to use the pool (and ended up with a waterbirth), which was really great for pain relief; they didn't have that option at the delivery suite where I had my first baby, although I believe they do offer that in some units. And last but but not least, the room in the delivery suite was very clinical and hospital like, whereas the room in the midwife led unit was much more like a hotel room and really comfortable, with a bed for my husband there as well. All in all a much nicer experience!
That's virtually what my MW said, but I suspected her of embellishment, it sounded a bit too good :p

Thank you, I am SO going for it :love:
Woohoo, glad everything is going well for you :) x

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