Back from Hospital


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
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It went really well.

He checked my results from the blood test I had last month and rvrything is fine including progesterone. He said the fact is was done CD19 and not CD21 won't really make that much difference and the levels are fine (phew)

I have to make an appt on CD1 to go in between CD8-14 for a Hycosy which basically is an internal ultrasound to check everything is as it should be, they also inject some dye into my tubes. Bit scared about that but I'm sure I'll be fine. Also have to go for a blood test on CD2 to check FSH levels. He is also going to check Rob's sperm count. Sent me home with a little jar he has to fill an hour before his appt which I am going to make for next Monday.

So all in all a great outcome to my visit :D

Oh yeah and he also said not to bother charting because I have regular cycles so there is no point and it will cause more stress. Just to make sure we BD at last every other day between CD9 & 19 and there'll be enough sperm up there to catch the egg. So may stop charting after my AF gets here (sorry fellow chartstalkers :hug: )
Glad it went well :hug: but sorry you're going to stop charting :(
Hi skairdykat :wave:

Just wanted to say I have had all those tests done, even the one where they inject dye. I spent many a hours pooping myself about it :rotfl: but it was fine, didn't hurt at all........................

Good luck and lots of babydust to you :hug: :hug:
Great news Skairdy :cheer: Sounds as if they are really helpful. Did you mention that you maybe pregnant???? Don't know why but I just have this feeling for you :D
aww glad it went ok, thats good news for you then.

good luck for next cycle :hug:
As Loobie9 has said the Hycosy is nothing to worry about and didnt hurt me ethier.
Good Luck with it all.
Sorry to jump in, but your chart looks really good, have you tried a test yet???
hi skairdy... pleased everything was ok, me and OH are going to go for the same tests if we have not conceived this month. Im glad it doesnt hurt as I am a right WIMP with pain. I need to know for piece of mind sake as i have a feeling something is wrong (dont know why, i just have that feeling!) Not long til testing now. x
CB23 said:
Glad it went well :hug: but sorry you're going to stop charting :(

Been thinking and I'm going to carry on charting. I like to see what my body is up to...........and besides I've still got 90 days left on my VIP memvership LOL.
skairdykat said:
CB23 said:
Glad it went well :hug: but sorry you're going to stop charting :(

Been thinking and I'm going to carry on charting. I like to see what my body is up to...........and besides I've still got 90 days left on my VIP memvership LOL.

:cheer: :D :cheer:
Hi Skairdy,

Glad it went well and that you are keeping charting :cheer:. Although I have my fingers crossed you're not going to need to ;-)

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