21 day blood results back


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2008
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And they said I had levels of 29, which apparently is fine. Can anyone shed any light on this result? I have googled it but the info is conflicting! I had the blood taken on CD22 and only ov'd on CD19/20 so don't know if that would make a difference.

Thanks peeps!! :hug:
Well it should be done 7 days post ov so in your case that would be day 26 so you have had it early. I personally would be happy with a level of 29 at 3 days post ov, its ok I think but really you should get it tested on the correct day. :D
I was told that a level over 30 indicated ovulation, however as Jen says that is for 7dpo so if it was 3dpo a level of 29 would almost definitely indicate ovulation, it would be quite a lot higher than that in 4 days. I don't think it matters how much over 30 your progesterone level reaches, so it sounds like good news.
Hi I had a blood test like this done on cycle day 28 i am not sure of my cycle
as i had ivf in december so all the medication given can make your cycle longer so
i am on a 35 or 37 day cycle ..

The reason i had my blood test done on cycle day 28 was because i was having a follow up apointmnet
and i asked if he would scan me to see if there was any follicel etc he found 1 that had rupterd
on left side of ovary which he said looked 7 days old so i got the test result back today
And it was 58% on cd 28 doctor said i ovulated day 23 or 20 ..

Its suppose to be 30 or over so i would say your result was good :)
I am on day 35 today and no af arrived i am not pg as tests are bfn so looks like i am on day 37
I also got a positive opk on cd 12 :think: what was that all about :shakehead: i never ovulated
till day 20 or 23 .. my doc said not to use them they can give false positives as they interact
with other hormones so the doc says .. Thinking about though i have never got a bfp when i
have ttc using opks only ever got a bfp when i aint used opks at all ...


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