Back From Drs... (SPD & Reflux) :(


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2007
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I've just got back from the Drs...

I have had a lot of pains in my back, hips, groin and pelvis the past few days and it got to the point the other night where I couldn't get up from my sister's sofa as it was so painful. I was hoping it wouldn't be SPD but it seems I *may* have it. She tugged my legs around and they felt ok.. until I left the surgery. We popped to Sainsburys and now I'm in pain again all around my back, hips and groin. :(

I've been referred for physio so need to await an appointment now.

I also asked about my BIG issue with acid reflux as I barely slept last night because of it and had a horrible evening too - unfortunately, as nothing is *really* safe in pregnancy, I can't have anything for it. I did get a huge bottle of gaviscon though that I didn't have to pay for this time. One saving grace I guess... :?
Oh hun, hope it eases a bit soon. have some of these :hug: :hug: :hug:

Gaviscon is great for acid I think. I suffer with it quite badly and find gaviscon generally does the trick. By the time the baby gets here I'm like a alchi, swigging it out of the bottle!!
I'm swigging out of the bottle already I even have to have one in the car :shock:
aww hun im sorry things aint going well at the moment for you
hopefully you can get something done about it all
manda xx
I hope the physio helps :hug: :hug: :hug:

I used to swig Gaviscon from the bottle during the end of my last pregnancy :lol:
I swig from the bottle too, however, Gaviscon doesn't do anything for me when it's actual acid reflux that I have. It works with heartburn, but not reflux :(

It really gets me down and I lose a lot of sleep on the nights I suffer. I'm at the point where I am scared to even eat toast incase it sets it off. It used to be any heavy meals, spicy or rich foods etc... now it's anything! I was warned it might get bad in pregnancy though so I was (kind of) prepared.

Gimme heartburn over acid reflux any day :cry: :cry: :cry:

Oh, and now SPD too. Wahoo! :shock:
don't sleep flat either, I've heard that makes it worse
Babylicious said:
don't sleep flat either, I've heard that makes it worse

Trust me, when it happens, I can't even lay down LOL :rotfl:

As Kylie once sang... "I should be so lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky"

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
thats rubbish u cant have anything for acid reflux , if u remember i had it so bad in first tri i would throw my dinner up as i ate it , my consultant gave me rantadine ( spl? ) . think you can also take amprezole ((spl?) sorry i dunno how to spell the stuff !
I think she was pointing out that they haven't been tested so according to the little books they use the drugs cannot be ruled as entirely safe for pregnant women.

I'd rather not risk it if there is a chance it'd be harmful BUT if it gets worse I will speak to the MW when I see her next.
debbie it was my hospital consultant that gave it to me ! with no risk ! wasnt my doctors . ill check the pack ive got int he cuboard to what it says about pregnancy but the rantadine was deffo ok in pregnancy otherwise i wouldnt have been on it solid for 3 months !
:hug: :hug: big hugs for you hun - acid reflux is horrid :cry: I dont get it but OH does really bad
Cheers Gem... although, I was prescribed Ranitidine a couple of years ago and it didn't help me at all :(

SPD and Acid Reflux.. Boo hoo...
:hug: Sorry you are feeling so terrible :hug:
awww :hug: :hug:

i seem to be living off gaviscon and rennies at the mo :roll:

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