Back from 40 week consultant appointment


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2005
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Well I went in expecting to be given a date for a section and didn't get one! Midwife checked me over - all is well, but she wasn't sure about baby's position (baby seems to confuse everyone) so we went through to be scanned and of course baby is still head down, although totally free. Then the consultant came in and she wanted to do some checks too so got scanned again, baby is looking at being about 7lb-7.5lb so that's a nice size and baby is also very well, nice strong heartbeat etc. oh and no sign of cord being round baby's neck this time which was why I ended up having a section last time! :cheer:

So the consultant seems to think that all is well for a VBAC. I've got an appointment to go back on Monday if nothing has happening where she said she'd do an internal to see where we're at but she didn't think I'd be needing the appointment so fingers crossed that something happens between now and Monday!

In some ways I'm a little disappointed that I don't have that date for a section because it would be nice knowing exactly the last day when I'll have had my baby by but I think the longer they give me to go naturally the better! Only thing now is that because we were under the impression that we'd be given a section date we'd told most family that was what was happening today so now I have to go back and report to everyone that it didn't happen!
:wave: so glad to hear everything is well. Hopefully things will get moving and you won't need the Monday appointment :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww hun :hug: i know how you feel, slightly dissapointed, i know i would in a way too. i went over with my DD and ended up being induced from the cord around the neck. it was so scarey, but all was well in the end. I started getting contractions last week that were very regular, so without me knowing OH called around telling family, but then they slowed right down :doh: now i get calls every morning !! Thats great news abour VBAC though, you must be chuffed! come on out now baby! :pray: :hug: lets hope you dont need that Monday ap :D xx

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