back from 20 week scan


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2007
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well I'm back and considering how excited I was it all a bit of a let down really!!!

Bean is fine and everything is where it should be which is brilliant :cheer: Although it was lying facing away from us so we couldn't really get a good picture.

the rubbish bit was the sonographer showed us the baby for a few seconds then turned the screen away while she did all the checks she needed to do then showed it to me again about 15 seconds before the all so I bet I hardly got to see the baby for a whole minute!!! Oh well!

apart from that it went really well.....bean was active but is definately camera shy! We were planning on staying team green anyway which is lucky because she wouldn't have been able to see for us anyway. I have a got a pic but it's a bit rubbish because it's off the baby's back, but you can see on the top left is the arm and hand up by it's head and at the top right of the picture is the baby's thigh which bends away at the knee and then you can just see the foot in the middle of the picture at the top (well the little dots are toes!!)


You might need to enlarge it to tell what it is!!
Great to hear everything is well with little one! Sorry to hear it was a bit of a let down though, such a shame they turn the screen away when checking things.

Hope you're enjoying your anniversary too! :cheer:

Sarah x
Thats ashame you never got to see much, still at least bub's is well,
Glad all is well with LO. Lovely pic. hope you and OH are enjoying your 1st wedding anniversary! congratulations! :cheer:
congratulations- sorry not as exciting as it could of been but still fun i bet, happy anniversary too xx
Glad everything is well but sorry you didnt manage to get a better pic! :hug:
Awww, glad to hear everything is ok with bubba but what a nightmare about your sonographer. There was no reason why she should turn the screen away to do the measuring. That's really unfair! Maybe you should consider a 3d scan later on so you can see more?
Glad that everything went well with your scan, such a shame the sonographer was a misery guts.

We saw bubs the whole time they did the scan.
I dont get why hospitals dont do what ours does and have one screen for the sonographer and one for the parents to look at, surley it doesnt cost too much especially as ours does it!

Glad your LO is ok and enjoy the rest of your special day
I'm sorry to hear your scan wasn't as good as it should have been. Atleast everything is fine, we stayed team green too.
Aww she (I can't help it, I really think of your LO as a girl) looks very cute. Shy is good :D Glad everything is good and healthy, are you thinking of having a 4D scan so you can have a proper long look? :D

And congratulations on your 1st anniversary :cheer:
Glad all is ok :cheer: :hug: Sorry to hear the lady taking it wasnt as good :roll:
I was reading i my mag that their only there to check if baby is ok and nothing else, its a shame though as they should really take into account how nervous we can get...

Thanks for all the Anniversary wishes ladies..... we had quite a nice day. Weather was beautiful.....we had exactly the same weather for a wedding a year ago so looks like 9th June is destined to be a sunny day!

We couldn't really do much because DH has an exam today so had to get in some last minute study and revision so we're going to have a proper celebration next weekend instead.

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