Back after 3.5 yrs :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2011
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Hello everyone....I joined this forum back in 2011 when I was trying with my first. After having my DS I just didn't get much time to log on but I did take a peek every now and then to see if any of the ladies I knew had their bfp yet.
I had my second bfp on 14th Aug...I fell quickly, having been on clomid to regulate my cycle. I am not due until mid/end April...not 100% sure as I ovulated quite late in my cycle. I have a private scan booked in for 5th Sept.
I loved being on this forum first time around and look forward to getting to know you all this time around :)
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Hi jomc, I also had clomid to get pregnant! I fell on my 6th cycle. Does your hospital not schedule an early scan as you were on clomid?
Chrissi xx
Hi Chrissi!
I have left a message for them but they are a tough department to get through to as the fertility nurse only works 2-3 days a week so am waiting for them to call me back, hopefully tomorrow. Fingers crossed they will offer a scan but its not something that was ever mentioned to me so not sure what their procedure is :)
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Just had a call from fertility clinic and I am booked in for a reassurance scan on 7th Sept ��

I originally joined back in 2011 when pregnant with my first daughter. I was in October Mummies but had her early in September.
We've been TTC since and I only just came back on here. It's crazy how little time we have once babies are born. It took me about 2 weeks to get back on to announce her birth back then but luckily I had a text buddy who had told everyone as I was AWOL lol

Welcome back and Congrats from another April mummy :)

PP xXx
Congrats I too had my first ds in November 2011 now pregnant with my second after 2other Mmc and due feb 2016 xx
Oh that's good! I think I am going to book a private scan for next week. 24th September feels like a lifetime away x
Congratulations hun!

I remember you!!

I'm just under 8 weeks pregnant with bubba number two!



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