Back ache


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2010
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The last few days my back has got worse and worse, and then last night the sciatica pain was nearly unbearable, i gave in and ask hubby to give me a back massage. I was feeling a bit guilty to ask him as he only had a major back operation 5 weeks ago himself.

Well with all the physio he has been having on his back, he must have learnt a lot about giving a back message, my back feels super this morning.

OK i might speak to soon, but even a few hours of back free pain sounds wonderful to me :dance::dance::dance:

Any advise or makes and models of good office chairs that i could look into buying for sitting at the desk?? I don't think my current one is giving me enough support, in the right places. :roll:
ive brought heat patches and it they worked, love em now, they work for a few days, ive got 3 in a pack from tesco :) x
i advise a gym ball! best thing to sit on if you have a bad back as you support yourself but they are surprisingly comfortable!! i suffer with severe sciatica, and that's one of the best things for me is even just lying over a gym ball. helps a lot. x
Thanks flexilexi394, got a gym ball will do some more sitting on it than i have been. Was doing Pilates but missed 4 classes and with it not being pregnancy pilates i thought it might be best to leave it till after having a baby. Do wonder if not going to this has made a difference too. Now the back is hurting i have ordered a pregnancy pilates DVD to see if that helps too.

Think bump is too big to lay across the gym ball now. :)
lol thats the only thing!! bumps and gym balls dont go too well! lol yeah do whatever you can like the dvd, all beneficial!! x
I find that kneeling and resting forward on a gym ball helps align my back and stops it aching x that and sitting on it are the only two positions I can get comfortable in at the moment, really wish I could sleep on the ball! Lol

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